
Islands join the Dutch Civil Affairs Association

Curacao, Aruba, St. Maarten, Bonaire, St. Eustatius and Saba have become members of Dutch Civil Affairs Association NVVB. Together, they form the CASBES department and committee. The NVVB now also represents the interests of the Civil Affairs fields of the Caribbean parts of the Kingdom. Kathy Snijders from St. Maarten …

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Ocan new service point for benefits

Since Wednesday, May 1, Foun­dation Ocan is a new inde­pendent service point for those who need help to ap­ply for benefits. Ocan represents the in­terests of Dutch Caribbean people in the Netherlands, thus wants to help Dutch Caribbean people apply for benefits. This because of the continuous signs of the financial …

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Saba Bank National Park

The Saba Bank lies about 4.3 km southwest of the island of Saba. It rises from about 1000 m above the general depths of the surrounding sea floor. The Saba Bank is the largest submarine atoll in the Atlantic Ocean and the fifth largest of its kind in the world. …

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Top ministry official visits

A director general in the Dutch Ministry of Infra­structure and Water Manage­ment and her two-man delega­tion were on Saba last month for a working visit. Director General Afke van Rijn was accompanied by Sebe Buitenkamp and Milton Horn for the visit April 16-17. Their visit began on April 16 with …

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Dutch Supreme Court and ECHR reps visit SSS islands

Repre­sentatives of the Dutch Supreme Court and the European Court of Hu­man Rights (ECHR) paid a working visit to St. Maarten, Saba and St. Eu­statius last week. The delegation consisted of Dutch Supreme Court Attorney-General Edwin Bleichrodt and ECHR judge Jolien Schukking, who is appointed to the Strasbourg, France-based human …

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Saba News