Publish on Yellow Pages Directory

Publish your listing on
Saba’s Yellow Pages Directory

for free

The Saba News business Directory is a free, online service of Saba News to the community of Saba where businesses, organizations and professionals, connected to Saba, can present themselves. There is NO time limit for the listing. To kick-off the structure, we have created placeholders for several Saba businesses and organizations.  If the placeholder refers to your business or organization you are welcome to take over the ownership of the place and adapt its contents to your liking.   Drop a message to the editor that you want to become an owner of a placeholder. We will create a user-id and a default password for you. This will transfer the listing page to you. You can adapt the password anytime.</br>

Click here to contact the Editor


If you create a completely new listing, then the publication will be held for moderation by the Editor before it will be visible on the site.

Your Listing

You have full control over the content of your listing. The online content consists of:


You need to select from the drop-down list, the main Category  under which you want your listing to be displayed. All listings plans are FREE and for an unlimited time. If you like to have your listing displayed in multiple categories, you can request the Editor to make the adaptation.

Short description Here you describe in a few words what your activity is about. This content will be displayed in the category section that you have selected for your activity. Do not use more than 2-3 lines of text.  

Expanded description Here you can present a full description of your activity, even with pictures embedded in the text.  

Facebook link The link to your Facebook page if you have one. (e.g.: )  

Website link A reference to your website if you have one. (e.g.: )


You can upload up to 4 images. The size will be automatically reduced to 600 x 600 pixels. You should select 1 image as a thumbnail image that will be displayed along with the “short description”  

Reader interaction

When clicking “Category”, readers will see all listings in that category, ordered alphabetically. For each listing, the Header, the Contact information, and the “Short Description” will be displayed. Clicking the Header or the “View” button will display your full listing description.  

More help needed?

Click here to contact the Editor



Saba News