Ocan new service point for benefits

Since Wednesday, May 1, Foun­dation Ocan is a new inde­pendent service point for those who need help to ap­ply for benefits.

Ocan represents the in­terests of Dutch Caribbean people in the Netherlands, thus wants to help Dutch Caribbean people apply for benefits. This because of the continuous signs of the financial difficulties that many Dutch Caribbean persons face in the Neth­erlands, it was stated in a press release.

With this new service, Ocan will be able to help people in the entire coun­try. The organisation hopes that this will contribute to the accessibility of gov­ernment facilities. When it comes to government benefits, people often have many questions concern­ing their applications, ex­plained Ocan. Sometimes, this results in not being able to apply or alter your appli­cation.

To this end, several mem­bers of the foundation com­pleted a training in April 2024. Now, they will be able to answer questions about the various steps, rules and requirements.

“With a unique phone number, Ocan can com­municate directly with the benefits department of the Tax Administration about questions concerning vari­ous benefits. All who ask Ocan for help will benefit from this. It contributes to our holistic approach,” says Director Lionel Martijn.

“The continuos signs of the financial difficulties that Dutch Caribbean per­sons in the Netherlands face are worrisome. At the same time, many are reluc­tant when it comes to ap­plying for facilities that they are entitled to and that can lighten the financial load of this particular group. That is why Ocan decided to take this up. Those seek­ing assistance need support in various areas, that is a fact. Ocan is happy to be of better assistance to these people,” Martijn adds.

The Daily Herald.

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