
Last working visit for Van Huffelen

Caretaker State Secretary of Kingdom Relations and Digitisation Alexandra van Huffelen is visiting Aruba, Bonaire, Saba, St. Eustatius and St. Maarten from Sunday to Friday, May 26-31. This is expected to be her last work­ing visit to the islands. The visit is marked by the Gover­nors’ Consultation in Aruba, the …

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Saba government attended Crisis and Disaster Management conferences

In April and May, several employees from Public Entity Saba participated in crisis and disaster management events. Their participation included the attendance at the National Hurricane Conference in Orlando in April, followed by the Governor’s Hurricane Conference in West Palm Beach in May. The National Hurricane Conference and the Governor’s …

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Delegations from KMar and OM visit Saba

Saba welcomed two separate delegations from the Openbaar Ministerie and the Koninklijke Marechaussee on May 21st. Outgoing Brigade Commander, Lieutenant Colonel Roland Scheltes, and his successor, Lieutenant Colonel Gerhard Smit, together with Head of Operations, Captain Luuk van de Ven were among the representatives of the KMar. From OM, Saba …

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Dutch Ombudsmen: Poverty BES not just about money

Dutch Na­tional Ombudsman Reinier van Zutphen and Ombuds­man for Children Margrite Kalverboer are once again calling for more direct action from the Dutch government to support the people in the Caribbean Netherlands, many of whom are still liv­ing in poverty. In their an­nual report, Van Zutphen and Kalverboer argue that poverty …

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2nd Chamber passes seven BES motions

Seven out of nine motions proposed last week were passed by majority vote in the Dutch Second Chamber of Parlia­ment on Tuesday, May 21. The motions requesting that the Dutch govern­ment assess the impact of increasing the minimum wage on small businesses in the Caribbean Netherlands and that the government …

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First Chamber passes BES Childcare Law

The BES Childcare Law passed the Dutch First Chamber of Par­liament by a large majority. Only four members from the SGP and FvD parties voted against the law proposal. This means that parents re­siding on Bonaire, St. Eusta­tius and Saba (BES) will soon pay much less for childcare. In his …

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Saba News