
Saba to launch sexual health website on Valentine’s Day

Together with the Ministry of Public Health, Welfare and Sport VWS and Soa Aids Netherlands, the Public Health Department in Saba has been working on es­tablishing a sexual health web-site that applies to the Carib­bean context, keeping the con­text of Saba at the forefront. The Public Health Depart­ment aims to …

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UNICEF portrays families in St. Eustatius and Saba

The Netherlands branch of the United Nations Children’s Fund UNICEF is launching mini documentaries portraying families in Saba and St. Eustatius sharing their favourite ways of spending time together. The documentaries are to be released in the upcoming weeks, highlighting the importance for parents, care­takers and family members to play with …

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Simons: The Hague harbours sense of superiority in dealing with islands

Leader of the BIJ1 party Sylvana Simons, during the gen­eral political deliberations (“algemene politieke be­schouwingen”) in the Sec­ond Chamber of the Dutch Parliament on Wednesday, accused Dutch politicians of “superiority thinking” to­wards the Dutch Caribbean. “While poverty in our Kingdom extends to the other side of the Atlantic Ocean, there …

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Organization scan of Public Entity Saba

An organization scan of the Public Entity Saba will be carried out in the coming months to strengthen the government apparatus and invest in its most important component: human capacity. Contracted to conduct this scan is Wim van Twuijver, who was Island Secretary on Saba in 2014 and 2015 and …

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Renewable energy plans discussed with Minister Jetten

The Saba delegation while in the Netherlands last week, met with the Minister of Economic Affairs and Climate Rob Jetten to discuss the renewable energy plans for Saba. “We talked about the importance of more renewable energy with the objective of eventually reaching 100% on an average day, which will …

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Visit to the Netherlands yields positive results

The Saba delegation on Friday, September 16 concluded a successful working visit to the Netherlands with the securing of various commitments that will benefit Saba’s community. The delegation had meetings at ministries, and with dignitaries and government organizations. A highlight was the establishing of the Task Force that will look …

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Wastewater-treatment plant for Under the Hill project

Saba’s Commissioner in charge of Housing. Ro­lando Wilson, Own Your Own Home Foundation (OYOHF) technical director Eviton Hey­liger and Planning Bureau head Bobby Zagers visited the company EXOFOR in French St. Martin on Mon­day, September 12, to have first-hand observation of the wastewater-treatment plant that will be used for phase …

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Saba News