
RCN starts follow-up inspection corona support

In February 2022 a follow-up inspection will take place in the Caribbean Netherlands regarding the corona support measures that were carried out from March 2020 through October 2021 by the RCN unit SZW. Through the ‘SZW Emergency Regulation’ and the ‘EZK compensation’ a total of about 98 million EUR of …

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Self-tests for Saba schools

Two pallets with self-test kits for the schools on Saba arrived on Wednesday, January 19. The COVID-19 self-tests, 10,800 in total, were financed by the Ministry of Public Health, Wellbeing and Sport (VWS) and transported on Royal Dutch Airlines KLM from Amsterdam to St. Maarten on Tuesday, January 18, and …

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Limit to visits to Dutch Caribbean

Dutch min­isters and state secretaries have to limit their visits to the Dutch Caribbean due to the small scale of the islands. This is stated in the manual for members of the Dutch government, the so-called Blue Book, which has been released in connection with the installation of the new …

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COVID-19 regulation Saba, Statia amended

The Temporary Regulation COVID-19 measures for Bonaire, St. Eusta­tius and Saba have been adapted to secure mea­sures in connection with the surge in infections, such as the wearing of face masks for five days and group restrictions for incoming travellers. The adapted regu­lation, submitted by Dutch Minister of Public Health, …

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Two new board members for Chamber of Commerce

The Chamber of Commerce and Industry of St. Eustatius and Saba has welcomed two new board members as of January 11. In that meet­ing Hemmie van Xanten was appointed as chamber president and Leonieke Zuidam as vice-president. Glen Pileo, Jamilla Bennett-Lijfrock and Vaughn Sams are board members. Following the rules …

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COVID-19 numbers islands still very high

The Netherlands Nation­al Institute of Public Health and the Environ­ment RIVM on Friday reported that a total of 14,064 persons in the Dutch Caribbean re­ceived a positive coro­navirus COVID-19 test result in the week of January 6-12. This is more than the RIVM stated in its previ­ous epidemiological re­port of …

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Dutch ministry still helps islands during pandemic

The Dutch Ministry of Public Health, Welfare and Sport VWS is assisting with additional healthcare personnel, coronavirus COVID-19 test material and the booster vaccination campaign. New Minister of VWS Ernst Kuipers stated this in an extensive letter to the Dutch Parliament with a general update on the COVID-19 situation. The …

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On December 22, 2021, a fee increase was announced by the Chamber of Commerce, to be implemented on January 1, 2022. The SBA has taken note of this announcement and the backlash that ensued regarding the increase of fees. Letting businesses know 1 week in advance, during the Christmas Holidays …

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Saba News