Van der Burg is visiting islands

Caretaker State Secretary of Justice and Security Eric van der Burg is paying a working visit to Bonaire, St. Kitts, St. Eustatius, Saba and St. Maarten from Tuesday un­til Saturday, June 4-8.

On Bonaire, Van der Burg was to open a new building for immigration detention in the Caribbean Nether­lands Judicial Institution. He will also be in discus­sions with the Bonaire Ex­ecutive Council.

From St. Kitts, Van der Burg will continue his working visit to the Wind­ward Islands. He will visit St. Eustatius to see with his own eyes how border checks are proceeding for people travelling to the is­land. He will also speak to the heads of the Immigra­tion and Naturalization Service and Social Affairs and Employment. He will also meet with Governor Alida Francis and the other members of the Executive Council of St. Eustatius.

On Saba, bilateral talks with Governor Jonathan Johnson will take place. There will also be a meet­ing between the State Sec­retary and the Saba Execu­tive Council.

The State Secretary will return to the Netherlands via St. Maarten, concluding his working visit.

The Daily Herald.

RCN opens application period for school supplies allowance
Police report of Friday, the 31st of May until Monday, the 3th of June 2024

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