Upcoming Islanders at the Helm End Conference October 2025

More Information

The Islanders at the Helm project started in 2021 for a period of five years. In the meantime, more than 20 researchers have explored a wide range of questions regarding how islanders on St. Maarten, Saba, St. Eustatius, Aruba, Bonaire and Curaçao have been living with climate challenges, both in the past and the present. From policy research, to visual anthropology, to ethnopaleontology, to musicology, and more - our researchers have utilized a myriad of different perspectives from the social sciences, humanities and beyond to ponder a variety of issues surrounding climate adaption.

During the upcoming conference (21-23 October) the researchers will present their findings, reflect on the last four years of the project and share insights that matter for everyone living and working on any of the islands, including policy makers, researchers, artists, activists, students and those in the private, social and culture sectors. We invite you to join us in these conversations in Curaçao this October.

Call for abstracts and papers

The project also invites external scholars, practitioners, and artists to contribute papers for the conference. We are seeking papers from professionals dedicated to exploring the intersections of cultural, heritage, climate challenges, policy, governance, and sustainable adaptation in the Dutch and wider Caribbean. Please visit our website for more information and details: https://www.kitlv.nl/islanders-at-the-helm/

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