RCN opens application period for school supplies allowance

Parents or guardians of children going to secondary school in Bo­naire, St. Eustatius and Saba may be eligible for an al­lowance to cover the cost of school supplies, such as uni­forms, shoes and stationery. National Government Ser­vice Department RCN has now opened the application period for this allowance.

Families in Bonaire with one or more children in sec­ondary school and with net income of up to US $2,100 per month are eligible for this support. Persons can ap­ply by e-mail, or in person during special consultation hours at RCN’s SZW office on June 29 and July 6, be­tween 9:00am and 2:00pm.

Throughout July, consul­tation hours will be held on Mondays, Tuesdays and Wednesdays from 1:30 to 4:00pm.

If a parent or guardian is unable to drop by at these consultation hours or submit an application digitally, they can make an appointment by sending an e-mail to onderstand@rijksdienstcn.com or via WhatsApp at tel. 599-795­5053.

In St. Eustatius, the net in­come limit is also $2,100 per month per household with one or more children in secondary school. Parents and guardians can visit the SZW office from Monday to Thursday during morning hours to submit an application.

The application form can be found at www.rijksdienstcn.com in the “Social Affairs” section. Additionally, appli­cants must provide a copy of a valid ID card (including that of the children), pay slips and bank statements for the past two months. If the applicant has a partner who is part of the same household, these documents must also be pro­vided for him or her.

It must be also demonstrat­ed that the child attends sec­ondary school, and this can be done through a certificate of enrolment or a recent report from a primary school. A caregiver must also show an order proving that he or she is the legal guardian.

In Saba, an application for an allowance for school sup­plies and school uniforms for both primary and secondary school children can be done via the public entity’s Com­munity Development De­partment.

For more information about the 2024 school supplies campaign, persons can visit www.rijksdienstcn.com.

The Daily Herald.

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