Juliana’s Hotel – Windwardside

Juliana’s Hotel Windwardside Web: www.julianas-hotel.com E-mail: info@julianas-hotel.com Telephone: + 599-416-2269 Fax: + 599-416-2389 Toll Free: 1 888 289 5708 Juliana’s is located in Windwardside, the center of island life; with just a few minutes walk from Saba’s finest restaurants, dive/gift shops, hiking trails, spa, and museum. This small intimate hotel …

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Rainforest Ecolodge – Windwardside

Rainforest Ecolodge Windwardside Web: ecolodge-saba.com E-mail: sabaecolodge@gmail.com Telephone: 599-416-1454/5030 Relax in a hammock, read, or just watch the clouds float by in one of the individual off grid cabins. You will fall asleep with the cooling tropical breeze and the trilling of the tree frogs and awake to bird song. …

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The Cottage Club – Windwardside

The Cottage Club Windwardside Web: cottage-club.com E-mail: info@cottage-club.com Telephone: 011-599-416-2486 Fax: 011-599-416-2476 We are the only Saban locally-owned hotel on the island. Perched on the edge of a ridge in the Windwardside like a perfect jewel, we have views of Mount Scenery, English Quarter, and the deep-blue Caribbean Sea. The …

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Island Flavor – The Bottom

The gourmets from the Daily Herald reported on their recent visit to the Island Flavor restaurant in The Bottom: We lived on Saba for only three years, but the island and its people have a warm place in our hearts. Whenever we visit the island, we will ask the friends we are staying with …

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Tropics Cafe – Windwardside

Tropics Café is the perfect place to relax any time of the day. Its charming terrace dining room overlooks the pool with a panoramic view of the mountainside terrain and the sparkling blue Caribbean Sea. Enhance your experience by relaxing at the pool with a cool refreshing drink and unique …

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Swinging Doors – Windwardside

Swinging Doors Windwardside Telephone: 416-2506 Swinging Doors is definitely the place where everybody knows your name. It anchors the corner in Windwardside opposite the Big Rock Market. Prop. and bartender Eddie Hassell has the neighborhood watering hole recipe down pat: a well-stocked inventory, simple fare (hamburgers, hot dogs, fries, etc.), …

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Major Osmar Simmons museum

  The Major Osmar Simmons museum is located in The Bottom on the way to Well’s Bay. It depicts the household of the major who lived here. The opening times are limited. Check the message on the door.

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Saba Snack – Windwardside

Saba Snack WIndwardside Saba Tel: +599 416 2391 A great location for Breakfast, Lunch or Dinner in the heart of Windwardside. Dine on our covered deck and watch the world of Saba pass you by… Reasonably priced with great food Saba Snack is an excellent place to chill before or …

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Saba News