Saba, St. Martin tourism offices join forces for Fly-In Travel Agent Event

The Saba Tourism Bureau, in collaboration with the French St. Martin Tourism Office, recently organised a familiarisa­tion trip as part of the St. Martin Fly-in Travel Agent Event that also aimed at showcasing the beauty and hospitality of the neigh­bouring islands.

The St. Martin Tourism Of­fice hosted 73 travel agents from various countries, in­cluding the United States, Canada, the Benelux coun­tries (Belgium, the Neth­erlands and Luxembourg) and the regional market. As St. Maarten/St. Martin is the hub for neighbouring islands and is positioned for an island-hopping experi­ence while vacationing on the island, the St. Martin Tourism Office reached out to the islands to partner up for a day trip experience for the travel agents.

Participants in the familiarisation trip with members of the Saba Tourism Bureau at Ren­dezvouz.

Saba had the honour of hosting more than 20 agents who chose Saba as their preferred Fam Trip destina­tion. The agents were from Canada, the United States, Benelux and the regional market. During the Fam Trip, the agents engaged and explored the island, including site inspections of hotels, cottages and vil­las as part of the product review.

The agents had a unique lunch experience in the rainforest at Rendezvouz and had the opportunity to do a walking village tour. For the travel agents it was their first time visiting the island, and Saba provided them with invaluable in­sights into the diverse ac­commodations and attrac­tions the island has to offer.

This Fly-in ‘Pavel Agent Event is a shared commit­ment of Saba and St. Martin in promoting the Caribbean as a premier travel destina­tion. The Saba Tourism Bu­reau was excited to welcome these travel agents and ex­tend Saban hospitality.

Intraregional collabora­tions and events among the islands, connectivity part­ners and tourism boards help continue to strengthen the region, while also pro­viding the islands with the opportunity to share with both journalists and travel agents the diversity of each island, making the island-hopping experience truly unique.

“Through this collabora­tion, we aim to forge lasting connections, foster mean­ingful partnerships and promote the Caribbean as a must-visit destination for travellers worldwide. We thank the St. Martin Tour­ist Board, WINAIR and The Edge ferry for their collaboration and partner­ship in making this Fam Trip a reality. Also, to our on-island partners for their hospitality and taxi drivers that added to the overall positive experience,” said Hassell.

The Daily Herald.

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One comment

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