Police report of Friday, the 24th of January until Friday, the 31st of January 2025

Scheduled traffic check On Monday, the 27th of January, between 3 PM and 4 PM, a scheduled traffic check was held on the Samuel A. Charles Street on Saba. A total of 10 vehicles were checked during which 5 fines were issued.
The fines were as follows:
  • 3x for driving without wearing a seat belt;
  • 1x for driving without a valid driver’s license;
  • 1x for driving without a helmet.
The KPCN will continue to conduct checks at various locations on the island and warn everyone
participating in traffic to have the necessary documents in order. The police will continue to conduct
such checks to ensure the safety of all road users. In addition, people are urged to obey the traffic
rules so that together we contribute to safe traffic on the island.
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One comment

  1. Maria Christina Sarmiento Firme

    I would like to suggest that somebody proofreads articles prior publishing them. Last January 10th, the article on Minimum Wage used the wrong image… used a 2024 image instead of one for 2025… no erratum was even published for it

    In this article, the first sentence “Scheduled traffic check On Monday, the 27th of January, between 3 PM and 4 PM, a scheduled traffic check was held on the Samuel A. Charles Street on Saba.” was not constructed correctly. It could have been intended to be written as “Scheduled traffic check on Monday, the 27th of January, between 3 PM and 4 PM was held on the Samuel A. Charles Street on Saba.” or it could have been left as “On Monday, the 27th of January, between 3 PM and 4 PM, a scheduled traffic check was held on the Samuel A. Charles Street on Saba.”

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