Opinion: Immediate action required at Saba Comprehensive School

Dear Editor;

As a concerned parent of a student at Saba Comprehen­sive School, I am writing to express my extreme unease regarding the current state of the school. The situation is severely affecting my child’s education and well-being, and I believe immediate ac­tion is necessary to address these issues.

The school is currently facing a critical shortage of teachers, a problem that has been evident since the end of the previous academic year.

Despite knowing that many teachers left, job advertise­ments were not posted until mid-to-late June, leaving the school ill-prepared for the start of this academic year. As a result, my child is frequently sent home early, asked to come in late, or left unattended during free peri­ods. This chaotic start to the year is unacceptable and is severely impacting the qual­ity of education my child is receiving.

It is particularly concerning for the students in the 5th form, who are in their exam year and expected to write their final exams between April and June 2025. This lack of consistent teaching and supervision is jeopardiz­ing their ability to prepare properly for these critical exams. However, this prob­lem does not only affect one group of students— it affects all of the children, regardless of their year or level. The remaining teachers are over­worked, and it is clear that they cannot continue to bear this burden for much longer. I fear for the long-term dam­age this situation could cause to my child’s education.

Furthermore, I am con­cerned about the leadership of the school. While I ac­knowledge that changes take time, the current state of af­fairs suggests that the issues are more than just”growing pains.” The principal, who was selected to guide the school through these chal­lenges, seems to be discon­nected from the pressing needs of the staff and stu­dents. Teachers are burn­ing out, students are falling behind, and yet it feels as though little is being done to address these concerns.

Where is the Ministry of Ed­ucation in all of this? What will the inspectors’ report say when it is finally released? It is shocking that we have gone from one problematic situa­tion to another that appears to be even worse. My child’s future is at stake, and I can­not afford to wait any longer for decisive action.

As a parent, I am calling for the immediate establish­ment of a new school board, composed of individuals with experience in education who can effectively manage the school’s day-to-day opera­tions. I also urge a review of the current leadership, in­cluding the role of the princi­pal, to ensure that the school is being led in the best inter­ests of the children.

I ask for transparency, ac­countability, and prompt ac­tion to address the staffing and leadership issues at Saba Comprehensive School. My child deserves a stable and supportive learning envi­ronment, and I will not rest until these concerns are ad­dressed.

A very concerned parent.
Name withheld at author’s request.

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One comment

  1. Saba has many educated snowbird residents who start returning to our island in the November to January time frame. And stay through April/May. We could provide teaching in our major subjects, tutoring and/or assistance in classrooms. Just appoint a Liaison person to catalog the need in each classroom and match it up with a willing snowbird. I can teach Math and business computer skills.

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