Labour force survey being conducted in BES islands

The Dutch Central Bureau of Sta­tistics (CBS) has asked residents of Bonaire, St. Eustatius and Saba to participate in its labour force survey, which runs from September to December.

CBS has chosen a random sample of 1,126 households in Bonaire, 538 in St. Eustatius and 545 in Saba, where its inter­viewers will be going to administer a questionnaire.

“To gain a better understanding of labour market develop­ments in Bonaire, St Eustatius and Saba, CBS would like to kindly ask all selected households to participate in the sur­vey,” the governmental statistics agency said in a press re­lease on Monday.

CBS is legally required to process collected information with strict confidentiality.

Interviewers will be wearing an official identification badge and must identify themselves upon request, “so that every­one can be sure that the interview is being carried out by CBS,” it was stated in the press release.

The labour force survey is conducted by CBS every two years. One of the most important results is the unemploy­ment rate, but the survey also uncovers other key socio-eco­nomic metrics, such as the participation rate and the most common professions and average number of working hours in the labour force.

For more information, persons can visit­beidskrachten or contact CBS by sending an e-mail to cari­

Persons can also call tel. 599-717-8676 during CBS’ office hours: Between 8:00am and 5:00pm, Mondays to Fridays.

The Daily Herald.

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