Hydroponics Farm to add new greenhouses

Saba Grows (Hy­droponics Farm) will com­plete the construction of two new greenhouses by the end of August. One of these greenhouses will be dedicated to expanding hy­droponics production, while the other will serve as a tree nursery for the island’s vital reforestation project.

The public entity Saba plans to eventually oper­ate three greenhouses fully dedicated to hydroponics production. The green­house initially used for the reforestation project will be repurposed for hydropon­ics once the reforestation efforts are finalised in the coming years.

The existing greenhouse at Saba Grows.

The additional green­house for the hydroponics farm will significantly in­crease output of fresh pro­duce. Initially, focus will be placed on growing let­tuce, tomatoes, cucumbers, bok choi and microgreens. As operations expand, the feasibility of adding crops such as zucchini, eggplant, beans and berries will be explored.

Following the construc­tion model of the current greenhouse, the new green­houses will be designed to withstand storms and hur­ricanes. Strategies will be in place to minimise struc­tural damage, and the met­al domes will be equipped with lighting to ensure con­tinuous production even during adverse weather conditions. The hydroponice systems will be mounted on weels, allowing them to be moved into the metal domes for protection. This will ensure that the community has access to fresh produce immediately after a hurricane, enhancing selfsufficiency during critical times.

Saba Grows is committed to providing fresh, locally grown produce and contributing to Saba’s sustainability and resilience. The new greenhouses mark a significant step towards greater agricultural selfsufficiency.

The Daily Herald.

Hydroponics Farm to Expand with New Greenhouses
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