A delegation of the Ministry of Public Health, Wellbeing and Sport VWS and the National Institute for Public Health and the Environment RIVM visited Saba on Wednesday, October 19.

The four-member delegation, three persons from the Ministry of VWS and one person from the RIVM, came to Saba for one day to have meetings with stakeholders in public health, including the Public Health Department of the public entity Saba, Saba Cares and the Youth and Care Caribbean Netherlands ZVK.
Jane O’Flynn, Director of the Public Health Department gave the delegation an update about public health on Saba and the work that the Public Health Department does. Public Health Nurse Jenneke van Bussel and Health Promoter Allan Carolina gave a presentation about the successful childhood healthy weight program Cool2Bfit. Public Health Nurse Tedisha Gordon gave a presentation on the programs and initiatives to promote sexual and reproductive health, including the Long Live Love pilot and the consultation hour at the secondary school.
The delegation met with the Director of Saba Cares Judith Meijer and Manager Tessa Alexander of the Laura Linzey Daycare. The delegation also went to the Saba Comprehensive School (SCS), where they met Director Anton Hermans and were informed about the school’s progress in a healthy school environment.
The Ministry of VWS finances public health on Saba and it is important for the ministry to receive regular updates and information about public health-related programs, initiatives, and investments.
GIS Saba