
The helping hand of Saba’s Social Work unit

The Social Work unit, which is part of the Community Development Department of the Public Entity, lends a helping hand in different areas of the social domain. There is financial assistance and practical assistance, but also emotional support and motivational empowerment. “Many people think that Social Work is only about …

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KTK to assist with BES islands spill

Cura­cao’s tug services provider “Kompania di Tou Korsou” (KTK) and sister company “Kompania di Tou Bo­naire” (KM) have won a public tender to provide support to Bonaire, St. Eustatius and Saba (so-called BES islands) in the event of a maritime incident and form part of the Response Service Maritime Incidents …

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Further decline in COVID cases in Dutch Caribbean

In line with the end of the COVID-19 pandemic, the number of reported cases keeps go­ing down in the Dutch Ca­ribbean. In January 2023, there were a mere 253 re­ported COVID-19 infec­tions, compared to 474 one month before. The number of new COV­ID-19-related hospital ad­missions in the Dutch Ca­ribbean sharply …

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Saba youth now has its very own sexual health website, SabaLovin

Young people on Saba now have a place they can find information and turn to with their questions about sexual health. SabaLovin, Saba’s first sexual and reproductive health website, was launched on Tuesday, February 14. It was no coincidence that the Public Health Department, which initiated this innovative website, chose …

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Pilot launched to support traditional and backyard farming

The Public Entity Saba is launching a pilot project to assist small traditional farmers and people active in backyard farming with the growing of fresh produce. Traditional farmers and backyard farmers, people growing fresh produce on a small scale at their homes or on a piece of property, are facing …

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7 years imprisonment for attempted homicide

On February 8, 2023, Bonaire’s Court of First Instance sentenced a Saba resident to seven (7) years in prison for attempted homicide against his ex-girlfriend who had thrown him out of her home a few days earlier, after the prosecutor had sought eight years. The judge also awarded his ex-girlfriend …

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Upgrading works at Fort Bay Harbor ongoing

Works are currently taking place to upgrade the Capt. Leo Chance Pier and the roll-on/roll-off (Ro-Ro) pier of the Fort Bay Harbor. The works to upgrade the piers at Fort Bay Harbor started in January this year and should be completed in May. The works are part of the larger …

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Nature app for Caribbean islands available

The Caribbean nature can be explored in just one click with the Obsldentify app. The app makes it possible to check plant and animal species by taking a photo with your smartphone and uploading this photo for identification. Around 3,000 Dutch Caribbean animals and plants have been added to the …

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Green light to upgrade Princess Juliana Sports Field

The Executive Council has approved the plans to renovate and upgrade the Princess Juliana Sports Field in The Bottom and the appointment of a project manager for this project which is funded by the Ministry of Public Health, Welfare and Sports (VWS). As part of this project, a number of …

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Prosecutor meets with candidates to discuss correct use of proxies

Candidates of the participating parties in the March 15 Island Council elections attended a meeting with Island Governor Jonathan Johnson and Chief Prosecutor Walter Kupers on Friday, February 10, to discuss the use of proxies. The meeting served to give information about the correct use of proxies to prevent abuse, …

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Saba News