35 Car Wrecks in one week as part of Car Wreck & Metal Waste Removal Project

Following the launch of the Car Wreck and Metal Waste Removal Project on August 28th, Public Entity Saba is pleased to report the successful relocation of over 35 car wrecks to the Waste Management Facility, where they are being processed and baled for recycling.

Currently, the facility houses approximately 150 car wrecks. In addition to cars, the project also includes the collection of other scrap metals, such as steel, galvalume, and old engines, which are eligible for pick-up and processing. The swift progress in clearing these items reflects strong community participation and underscores the importance of this initiative in maintaining public health and safety standards across the island.

Car wrecks and metal waste pose significant risks to public health and safety. They can become breeding grounds for pests like mosquitoes and rats and may turn into hazards during emergencies or natural disasters. By removing these potential dangers, the project is actively enhancing the well-being of the entire island.

Moreover, ongoing recycling efforts at the Waste Management Facility play a vital role in promoting sustainability. Metal baling, which compresses large metal items, helps optimize space at the facility. Once baled, the metal is exported off the island for recycling, contributing to a more sustainable and environmentally friendly future.

Public Entity Saba encourages residents to take advantage of this free service, which offers the removal of car wrecks and scrap metal from private property at no cost to the owner. However, residents should be aware that the facility’s capacity is limited, meaning that not all items may be transported immediately after a request.

This initiative highlights the island’s commitment to improving public health, safety, and sustainability. Residents are encouraged to keep their yards and surroundings free of scrap metal as a key step in maintaining a clean and safe environment for all.

For more information on how to participate in the Car Wreck and Metal Waste Removal Project, please visit: Car Wreck Removal | Public Entity Saba.


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  1. Fantastic! We’re very proud of Saba for continuing with this project. It goes along way towards keeping Saba beautiful but most of all, safe and healthy. Congratulations!

    Jim and Karen

    • There needs to be a bylaw/ ordinance that requires these items to be removed. Non registered non insured vehicles must be removed from properties!! Not a big issue to make a new policy and ordinance!

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