‘Samenwerkende Fondsen voor het Caribisch deel van het Koninkrijk’ (SFC) is a collaborative funding initiative by 4 funding agencies in the Netherlands, catering to NGOs throughout the Dutch Caribbean, with a focus on social projects. Recently a new micro grant procedure has been implemented to meet NGO funding needs on SXM, Saba and Statia.
Over the years SFC has noticed a need for NGOs seeking funding opportunities that are easier to request (shorter, less formal), and have a quicker turn-around time, for smaller (side) projects. To meet this need SFC recently introduced a new micro-grant application procedure, facilitating more options and opportunities for NGOs seeking funding for social projects, up to a maximum of $4.200.
The SFC consists of Fonds Sluyterman van Loo, Kansfonds, Oranje Fonds, and Stichting Kinderpostzegels; collectively supporting NGOs on the Dutch Caribbean islands since 2004. Collectively there is an annual budget of approximately 2 million euros to support NGOs with funding the execution of their social projects. The method to request support goes through a grant application procedure, which is supported by a local project advisor. Sint Maarten is thereby the hub for the applicants of Sint Maarten, Saba and Statia. The advisor is there to help guide the NGOs, support them in their grant application process, and advise the funders on the requests submitted. Throughout the years, to accommodate NGO needs, other application methods and forms have been used, such as a post-Irma relief procedure, and most recently a Corona assistance procedure. Through such methods, additional funds were made available to the islands.
NGOs on Sint Maarten, Saba and Statia can now request funds through a micro-grant application procedure, next to the general application procedure (which does not have a maximum budget). To request the funding application template, one must be requested from the local project advisor. This can be done through the below-mentioned email addresses. This template can be used for projects that have a social goal, and have a maximum budget of USD 11.000 (NAF 20.000), of which a maximum contribution of USD 4.200 (NAF 7.500) can be requested from SFC. Organizations with a social project in mind can reach out to local Project Advisor Fleur Hermanides via sxm@samenwerkendefondsencariben.org, saba@samenwerkendefondsencariben.org. For more information on SFC and the opportunities it has to offer, as well as to download the general application form, visit: www.samenwerkendefondsencariben.org/en. NGOs can also call/WhatsApp +1 721 586 08 08 for more information, or to make appointments. SFC can also be followed on Facebook to stay abreast of opportunities and follow projects SFC supports, through: https://www.facebook.com/SFCSxMStatiaSaba.