Sabans can submit requests online with new govt. website

The public entity of Saba will launch the first phase of its updated website on Monday, which it says is part of ongoing ef­forts to enhance digital ser­vices and accessibility for residents.

With the new website, res­idents will now be able to submit applications for per­mits, licences, grants and subsidies online, reducing the need for in-person vis­its to government depart­ments.

The new website will also have a search function to help people quickly find what they are looking for. “As part of phase one, the new website features a re­freshed visual interface de­

signed to make navigation simple and intuitive. Resi­dents and visitors will find it easier than ever to ac­cess essential information about various government departments, processes and services,” the public entity said in a press release on Wednesday. “With the ad­dition of detailed descrip­tions of departmental func­tions and procedures, the website aims to serve as a comprehensive resource for the community.”

This initiative is a part of the broader Saba Package 2023-2027, an agreement between the Netherlands and Saba which focuses on community well-being, economic diversification, climate resilience and good governance. This agree­ment was signed by Saba Commissioner Bruce Zag­ers and former Dutch State Secretary of Kingdom Re­lations and Digitalisation Alexandra van Huffelen last November.

“This new website is a significant step forward in our goal to enhance the usability and accessibil­ity of government services for our community,” said Island Governor Jonathan Johnson. “We are excited about the positive impact it will have on our residents’ daily lives.”

As of Monday, the website can be accessed at­

The Daily Herald.

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