• From René Caderius van Veen on New traffic ordinance approved 

    Just a few questions:
    Will sitting in the back of a truck still be allowed?
    How do insurance companies deal with cases of passengers in the back of a truck when they will be injured in an accident?
    Will parking cars close to a corner still be allowed?
    Will there be a limit to the noise level of car radios?

    2022/05/06 at 3:57 pm
  • From Ahmed mohaseb on Saba Tourism Master Plan process started

    Hello, I am Ahmed from Egypt I am lover for saba and I have excellent ideas to stimulate tourism in my second saba and I have prepared feasibility studies for that matter, I want to make saba destination for the first Egyptians who want to spend special time, they lack only communicate with one of the officials to give me some information about the number of hotels and energy absorptive facilities and tourist transportation and entertainment programs and diving … I hope that the one of the officials to communicate with me, let’s start working

    2022/05/05 at 5:34 am
  • From Tricia on Health Ambassadors magazine launched

    I nominate My Husband..Michael Chammaa!
    He hikes 5-6 mornings a week and is also in the gym 5-6 days a week @ age 65! And is strong as a horse and fit as a fiddle!

    2022/05/04 at 7:49 pm
  • From Anton Hermans on Opinion: CXC troubles again

    Indeed, CXC announced that the 2022 CSEC and CAPE examinations will be postponed for three weeks (https://www.nationnews.com/2022/04/27/cxc-exams-postponed-three-weeks/)

    However, CSEC Visual Arts will continue as scheduled and commence this week.

    The 2022 examination results will be released late August / early September. Students who wish to continue to study in The European part of The Netherlands, will not be affected by the delayed results. They can still leave to pursue their choice of studies as soon as they have written their final exam. (if they meet the graduation criteria of course). Students entering other tertiary educational institutions should inform the college/university of their choice as soon as possible to avoid deregistration.

    The Ministry of Education has informed us that they will extend the special law which is in effect since 2021 to allow students who write the 2022 examinations to provide a copy of their diploma between September and December 2022.

    2022/04/30 at 10:29 am
  • From Cristian Hassell Feliciano on Young people debating discrimination, racism

    Obviously White People who actually have a Racist Bone within them will never admit that Racism exists : that is “everywhere.” Now, do not get me wrong, there are many White People or Caucasians like the Kennedys and Clintons and Algore’s, and many more other White people who may not be so famous, who fight against Racism and are against it and hate it because they know it is wrong. But we all must strive to emancipate ourselves from Mental Slavery, such as racism is a mental slavery. Only ourselves, each one of us personally and individually can free our minds and live with natural love and have unconditional faith in what is good and right and in God. Hence forth God the Creator, created All Men Equal. No one is better than someone else, Rich is not better than the Poor and no Race is superior than another race by color or Physical features everyone is unique and beautiful. I actually see it wrong for a human being to posses so much wealth while another human being can not even make ends meet……This is a grave wrong that exists in the human race, the inability to share and help one another. The Rich will obviously defend their cause for having so much and make excuses not to use their wealth to help the poor because they want to remain and feel superior when deep in their hearts they know that they are not superior, what they really are doing is suppressing and oppressing other people because of their wealth, institutions do this, Governments do this, Company’s do this, Nation’s do this, just look at what Russia is doing to Ukraine, is perfect example of what is going on in the Whole World of suppression and Oppression.

    2022/04/29 at 4:36 pm
  • From René Caderius van Veen on Opinion: CXC troubles again

    Who decided that the BES islands would collaborate with CXC?

    2022/04/29 at 2:06 pm
    • From Jan Meijer on Opinion: CXC troubles again

      October 2014 statesecretary Sander Dekker (or broader: the NL government) decided to conform to CXC for Statia and Saba

      2022/04/29 at 8:22 pm
      • From Gied Mommers on Opinion: CXC troubles again

        CXC started (on Saba) in 1990; first exams in 1995

        2022/04/30 at 10:10 am
  • From Lisa on Saba exports more than 1M pounds recyclables

    Just wondering…

    what the current legal impediments to implementing a Saba environmental protection import surcharge on some of the classes of imports which are consistently causing Saba garbage export costs, especially plastic, are

    roughly how many Saba residents and organisations would want to get roughly how much chopped cardboard delivered roughly how often to their plots

    whether the mulcher already purchased by the Saba government is appropriate for chopping cardboard boxes to use as mulch or to mix with kitchen scrap compost

    2022/04/29 at 12:41 pm
  • From Radio Rich on Rising inflation: Saba recorded a 2.4-percent q-o-q price increase 

    We are still very fortunate, living here, compared to others

    2022/04/28 at 2:47 pm
  • From Marty Byrde on Young people debating discrimination, racism

    And neither one of the above commenters are the aforementioned young people dealing with racism and gender discrimination. So, yeah, your remarks are irrelevant.

    2022/04/27 at 4:28 pm
  • From Christine Meyer on Saba exports more than 1M pounds recyclables

    I am so so happy to get this update!!! Who knew this was happening. Last time I read an update there was barge coming from Statia to pick up our “stuff”. There must be a more economical way to return containers to Florida that are emptied on SABA!! Do companies want their return. Certainly we can return them for a “best” rate? We need to do much better at getting more items out of the burn pile!! Everyone take note! Let’s get even move items out by composting and recycling!!! Luke!!! How can you use compost for your gardens???

    2022/04/26 at 6:14 pm


Saba News