• From Jasmat Dookhan on Get a free bottle and electric tap from Saba Splash !

    Good morning it’s so wonderful that Saba can provide clean drinking to the island, but it’s still a bit heavy salty taste fir me I buy and cook with it and my son drinking because it’s what the school used so it’s fine with him

    2022/09/22 at 3:02 am
  • From Alida Heilbron on Commissioner Zagers welcomes the establishing of a Task Force

    Glad to know the Task Force is now a reality and great to see how the topics that the SBA has been pressing on for a few years now, are the main focus of the Task Force. Banking issues have been lingering too long now as well as poor internet service. The business community is highly depending on these 2 services especially, and if we want to attract investors we better get this regulated without delay. As the SBA told State Secretary van Huffelen: we do not want better internet and banking services, we NEED better internet and banking services.

    2022/09/20 at 8:10 am
  • From Popeye on Lynn Costenaro received the Prins Bernhard Culture Prize 2022

    LYNN : Congrats on the awards and accolades for your unending works over the years for Sea and Learn and Sea Saba activities. Have been diving since 1957 in places around the world and Saba and Sea Saba people have given me some of my most memorable dives and experiences !!!! THANK YOU for your contributions since 1996.


    2022/09/16 at 9:21 am
  • From cindy l bogdan on Tropical storm watch for tropical storm Fiona is in effect for Saba an Statia

    my daughter just started medical school so i am very interested in what is going on there. We just left there and love where she is staying and how friendly the island is.
    Thanks so much,

    2022/09/15 at 7:54 pm
    • From Jeanette on Tropical storm watch for tropical storm Fiona is in effect for Saba an Statia

      My daughter goes to school there as well. I hope the storm isn’t too bad.

      2022/09/16 at 6:36 am
  • From August A Croes on Lynn Costenaro received the Prins Bernhard Culture Prize 2022

    Congratulations, well deserved. Keep up the great work of educating and sharing knowlidge.

    2022/09/09 at 10:13 am
  • From Tricia on Lynn Costenaro received the Prins Bernhard Culture Prize 2022

    Lynn Costenaro & Sea & Learn Program!
    Wow!! 20 years of GIVING BACK… TO OUR BEAUTIFUL ISLAND & ALL OF WE!!! Unselfishly!!!!!
    Don’t Cha just wish?..there were more folks whom could give us a gift…..that keeps on giving!
    ****A HUGE THANK YOU..To our wonderful favorite- former Dive Shop Owners…..Lynn & John & All
    Whom contribute th the success of Saba’s SEA & LEARN PROGRAM!!!!

    2022/09/08 at 5:55 pm
  • From RODNEY ENGEN on Lynn Costenaro received the Prins Bernhard Culture Prize 2022

    Dear Lynn
    Congratulations much deserved !!!!
    I know Malcolm sends his best wishes and will be scattered on the dancing place trail soon !!!
    Rodney Engen
    The Peak resident
    1996- 2009

    2022/09/08 at 1:11 pm
  • From René Caderius van Veen on Lynn Costenaro received the Prins Bernhard Culture Prize 2022

    Great and well deserved!!!

    2022/09/08 at 11:42 am
  • From René Caderius van Veen on Get a free bottle and electric tap from Saba Splash !

    Almost everybody has a cistern, so who on Saba will need this?

    2022/09/07 at 10:00 am
    • From Anise on Get a free bottle and electric tap from Saba Splash !

      Many people don’t drink water from their cisterns for many reasons. I’m one of those people. I’ve been sick before drinking cistern water, you never know if the cistern needs to be cleaned and what bacteria is in it. Don’t get me wrong, there are a lot of people that drink it and are fine. This is just a better resource than spending $$$ on bottled water, and its made here on Saba and is creating jobs.

      2022/10/03 at 11:34 am
  • From Ryan Espersen on Will Johnson loses his bid for AOV equal to Dutch pension

    How many Dutch-born, Dutch-raised people have gone to retire in the BES islands and live on their European Dutch pension?
    How many BES islanders have gone to the Netherlands to retire and live on their Antillean pension?
    How many BES islanders currently earn a living wage on their Antillean pension in either place?
    We all know the answer, and the ruling ignores the reality on the ground.

    2022/08/26 at 12:55 am
    • From Kees Jansen on Will Johnson loses his bid for AOV equal to Dutch pension

      The current situation is clear. Every person, whether of Caribbean or European origin gets a Dutch AOW pension related to the number of years that he/she lived in the European Netherlands. Someone born in the European Netherlands but did not live there is not entitled to a Dutch AOW pension.

      Neither have persons who never lived on the Caribbean islands any rights on an AOV retirement pension.

      This rule applies to all persons, independent to where they retire. It is obvious why Will did not stand a chance.

      Kees Jansen

      2022/08/26 at 3:19 am
      • From Ryan Espersen on Will Johnson loses his bid for AOV equal to Dutch pension

        All residents are equal, some are just more equal than others, right?

        2022/08/26 at 2:11 pm


Saba News