• From Janet on Appointment permanent notary for Saba, Statia in the making

    Each island needs a permanent notary as the current notary is so overwhelmed with work, cases cannot be addressed in a timely manner. Months go by before the notary can even see a client and then even longer before she can handle the case, which makes it close to a year before anything can be done. Not acceptable. She also is so busy she can’t even answer emails or phone calls. Very unprofessional. Either another notary needs to be appointed to assist her or each island needs their own notary. As is, this is only a slight better improvement than our previous situation of no notary. No one should have to wait a year or more to have notarial services provided.

    2023/02/23 at 8:38 am
    • From Patricia on Appointment permanent notary for Saba, Statia in the making

      I totally agree with the statement above and have heard from many that this is now the case.
      I agree that we need our own Notary per small island as the work must be a bit over-whelming for a single notary!
      Or…allow us again to use SXM notary’s..(We loved all our dealings & workings with Ms. Mingo and things were handled in a fashionable and timely manner with her office as well.)
      Saba has so many old documents and old issues to be sorted out that it must be profusely hard to handle all of our-issues here, on top of another island with some of the same ole issues at hand to deal with there as well!

      2023/03/04 at 7:32 am
  • From Kees Jansen on Pilot launched to support traditional and backyard farming

    And what about the “goat removal project”? Goats eat the produce from the gardens. But the Goat Removal Project” is on hold already for several months. What happened with the financing for this project from The Hague?

    This seems a typical action from a hypocritical government ahead of Election Day: support some selected residents and to hell with the others.

    Great initiative to feed the roaming goats. How stupid can you be?

    2023/02/15 at 8:54 am
  • From Tricia on Police report of Monday, the 30th of January until Wednesday, the 1st of February 2023

    SPOT. ON!!!!!
    ! For months and months now..he runs all over the island..causing fear and distress! I have been patiently awaiting an ASSULT charge with this same person..months now!????????????????

    2023/02/12 at 1:45 pm
  • From Tricia on The modernization and expansion of Scout’s Place has officially started

    AND The hottest location for Tourists with A new resort-type-spot……in the Of W.W.S.!
    This….. THE MAIN VILLAGE ON ISLAND for Dining,Bar Establishments,Oldest Museum,& Wonderful Tourist Office , With Our Friendly Trail Shop! ALSO two Amazing Grocery Stores that also Deliver!!!
    WE ALL know the Amazing Job Stanley & Crew will do there with the construction Can’t Wait for the finished Project & Opening Days Ahead!
    God Bless The Pension Fund & Holland & Saba Growth!❤️

    2023/02/10 at 6:58 am
  • From WJG on Stichting Katholiek Onderwijs Saba announces a vacancy for PRINCIPAL (1 FTE)

    Why is that a shame.?.. everyone with or without religion is welcome and respected…

    2023/02/09 at 6:22 pm
  • From René Caderius van Veen on Stichting Katholiek Onderwijs Saba announces a vacancy for PRINCIPAL (1 FTE)

    It is a shame for Saba that there is no Publiek Onderwijs without a religious signature!

    2023/02/07 at 7:19 pm
  • From Glammy on Dutch Basketball Federation pays second visit to Saba

    Our community need to support any sports provided here it’s more than just something to pass the time but something of positivity. SPORTS TEACHES DICIPLINE,CAN PROVIDE SCHOLARSHIPS,LIFE LONG CAREERS and so much more. Believe me I know I have been part of sports on Saba.

    2023/02/06 at 6:11 pm
  • From Henrik Lockhart on Health Talk on the Rock, a new community outreach initiative

    So, about Healthcare.. Transportation to and around SXM is covered but not to Physical Therapy on Saba!!!!

    2023/02/02 at 10:11 pm
  • From Jo Bean Chambers on Task Force installed for improving air travel in the Dutch Caribbean

    I have lived on Saba over thirty years and before that SXM. The SXM airport has been a very expensive hub for most of that time. It has teetered between inefficient and criminal with its use of Dutch finances. Winair has continually raised its prices and lowered its service to the smaller Dutch islands. Another task force? dozens and dozens of times people living on Saba have heard that the government is going to LOOK INTO IT! I am sure the task force will have a splendid time talking flight plans with each other and visiting each others islands. All we ask for is the same service that we had thirty years ago and reasonable prices for a 12 minute flight. I am very surprised government appears confused about the horrific drop in tourism over the years. There is lots off competition. In addition, local people here are far from rich. We wait for less stories and more results.


    2023/02/02 at 6:08 pm
    • From Linus Walsh on Task Force installed for improving air travel in the Dutch Caribbean

      Well said Ms. Chambers.

      2023/02/04 at 10:01 pm
  • From Concerned Citizen on Police report of Monday, the 30th of January until Wednesday, the 1st of February 2023

    So we have a known thief who runs free because the police claim they can’t do anything about it. But someone has pot in their car and they get arrested. I’ve had to put up signs and security cameras all around and in my house because of the thief. Not because someone had marijuana in their vehicle.

    2023/02/01 at 4:45 pm


Saba News