• From Ashley on High Court upholds conviction in Saba Medical School murder

    Is it me or there is something very wrong with this case. “An autopsy showed that she had died in the night due to strangula­tion and possibly also by obstruc­tion of breathing through the nose or mouth, and that her arms and wrists were probably tied.”

    So the court says she has been sexually assaulted, with hands tied, and strangulated, but at the same time they says it’s a man­slaughter.

    Someone did very bad job and now they are trying to cover it up. But what else can you expect from the kangaroos courts.

    2022/12/25 at 8:35 pm
  • From Mike.K on High Court upholds conviction in Saba Medical School murder

    As someone who followed this case, I have serious doubts about the whole thing. It has been scientifically proven that human recollection is not always true, and two people could have totally different recollection of the same event. It has been 7 years. Obviously people won’t have good memory of everything. If someone is guilty there should be overwhelming evidence. What bothers me the most is the fact that they didn’t prove that his statements are wrong, only that court thinks they are. And the court thinks they are because it is convenient to them and they get to close the case.

    2022/12/25 at 7:48 pm
    • From Tricia on High Court upholds conviction in Saba Medical School murder

      Really? Semen says allot???!!
      I believe the court got it correct! I lived here then and Now!
      And 11 years to take the life of a beautiful young sweet girl….with her whole life ahead of her is One Hell Of A Deal!
      He is a disgrace of a man! The pornography says even more! Sick Sick Sick! Each and every day let him relive his last account with this Angel!

      2022/12/29 at 8:43 am
  • From Lesa Palmer on Saba Comprehensive School has vacancies for a Mathematics and Remedial teacher

    Is the post of remedial teacher already filled?

    2022/12/21 at 7:56 pm
  • From Anonymous on High Court upholds conviction in Saba Medical School murder

    So grateful that the courts are holding him accountable. I pray for her family.

    2022/12/21 at 6:53 am
  • From Kees Jansen on Saba hires North America PR firm Diamond PR

    Ah I see “The journalists were from a wedding magazine/website called DestinationIDo.com, the Toronto Sun, BuckHaven Magazine which caters to a high-income area in Atlanta, and MatadorNetwork.com which is a very large digital travel outlet. ”
    I presume that the guys from the Florida University which developed the Tourism Master Plan will increase their proposal for the “landing fee” to 150 USD/per person. They said that costs were not the issue and that the Americans that visited Saba during the pandemic would have been delighted to spend more.
    I am curious to learn how well Diamond PR is introduced in the European market, other than selling trips to Amsterdam, Rome, or Paris.

    I get the strong impression from the deployed activities of the Tourist Office, that there is not a real interest to develop the cultural interests that many Europeans have with the BES islands. It seems to me, that the large amounts of money that the Dutch taxpayer is inputting into Saba are used to attract Americans rather than to invite Europeans.

    2022/12/20 at 7:22 pm
  • From Suzette Mckail on Official and commercial vacancies are published by the Saba Government

    Interested in teaching in the dutch caribbean. I am from Jamaica with a wealth of experience

    2022/12/16 at 4:26 am
  • From Gavin on Another successful Sea to Scenery race

    Congratulations to all. Wow! Those times are amazing. I’ve been up and down a few times myself. Those ARE great times.

    2022/12/05 at 4:10 pm
  • From Calvin on Makana ferry now includes St Kitts in destinations

    So if i want to get to St. Kitts from St. Maarten i have to overnight in Statia? or go from Sxm to Saba and Statia and then St: Kitts?


    2022/11/22 at 8:30 pm
  • From Kent S J Alfred on Direct Medical Referrals to Sint Maarten Medical Center pilot project to start on Nov 21

    So far it’s a start,we getting somewhere.

    2022/11/20 at 11:29 am
  • From Tello Neckheim on Sea & Learn Foundation has launched the Adopt-A-Box project

    Creative thinking and, I call this project a win win situation. I will be honored to be helpful.

    2022/11/19 at 2:06 pm


Saba News