• From Henri René Caderius van Veen on Will Johnson loses his bid for AOV equal to Dutch pension

    What a stupid initiative only based on greed.
    As if the costs of living in the Netherlands are not much, much higher than on the BES-islands.

    2022/08/23 at 6:57 am
  • Sip Swierstra

    From Daniël Touw on Parking policy promoted, drivers receive blue disk

    Ditto, should also apply in the Bottom.
    Parking facilities at houses or garages are not used for parking the cars i.e. parking on the street or with someone else in front of the door.
    Even narrow streets are not accessible for two-way traffic in this way.
    Kind regards
    Daniël Touw

    2022/08/16 at 2:09 am
  • From Kees Jansen on MijnCN: the 2-factor authentication to start as of September 1st

    Having a computer to login to use the digital services of RCN will be no longer sufficient. This forces everyone that wants to make use of these services to buy a smartphone as well.

    Will RCN make free phones available to those that cannot afford them?

    2022/08/15 at 2:20 am
  • From Tricia on Notary Marcia Bouterse sets up office on Saba & Statia

    Welcome Ms.Bouterse!!
    I for one am very excited to finally have access to a Notary On Saba!
    Though I must admit that Ms. Mingo was A Wonder Woman to work with, and will always be Thankful for ALL her Amazing Hard Work she did for us over the years! Saba needs their own.
    I have long been wanting to put together a Will for my husband and myself. Now finally see a light at the end of that tunnel! Along with all the Land issues on island and property settlements as well needing assistance.

    2022/08/14 at 10:16 am
  • From René Caderius van Veen on Parking policy promoted, drivers receive blue disk

    At last !!!

    2022/08/10 at 5:20 pm
  • From René Caderius van Veen on Opinion: Modernization or pacifier?

    The calculation and working methods of RCN and of CPB themselves also need to be improved.

    2022/07/31 at 6:42 pm
  • From Capt. Jack Sparrow on Highest point Under the Hill buildings celebrated

    In the US, we raise an American flag at the top , to signify that the peak has been constructed AND that no major injuries to the workers had occurred. Construction tradition for many years.

    2022/07/21 at 5:14 pm
  • From PC on Inflation in the Caribbean Netherlands rising further

    Basic items necessary for restaurants eggs, chicken, beef, pork, bread and fry oil have all tripled in price.

    2022/07/20 at 11:15 am
  • From Alida Heilbron - President SBA on Minister Carola Schouten calls the poverty problem in the Caribbean Netherlands "shockingly large"

    It seems that the ministers are only really aware of the issues we are facing in the Caribbean Netherlands, when they visit the islands themselves. Great that it is realized tho and steps are taken to alleviate poverty.
    As a small business owner on the island, I am concerned about raising the minimum wages even more (there was already a significant raise) as we, the small business owners, will feel the brunt of it. We also are feeling the pinch of higher energy costs, higher cost of living etc. It does affect us as well. Solution would be to reduce the cost of living on the island across the board, certainly look into the cost of transportation whether personal (Winair) or commercial (cargo boats).

    2022/07/13 at 8:55 am
    • From John Hassell on Minister Carola Schouten calls the poverty problem in the Caribbean Netherlands "shockingly large"

      Here’s a thought:
      If you can’t afford to pay your employees a living wage, then you’re not running a viable business.

      2022/07/13 at 4:35 pm
      • From Alida Heilbron on Minister Carola Schouten calls the poverty problem in the Caribbean Netherlands "shockingly large"

        I’m happy that I have a viable business and can pay my personnel above minimum wage. As president of the SBA I’m well aware that not all businesses can say the same.

        2022/07/13 at 8:04 pm
  • From Regan Lee on Care agreement between Eye Care Optical Saba and ZJCN  continues until the 31st of December, 2022

    I am so, so grateful to read this as Lucy saved my eyesight (due to her early detection of my glaucoma). Even my eye surgeon in the U.S. says she deserves all the credit. Thanks to her expertise and quick action prescribing the correct medicine and frequently monitoring my eye pressures, I received no damage to my optical nerve. Having her here on island is invaluable to me. You cannot put a price on your vision and she is a true eye care professional deserving of respect. I am very grateful we are not losing her ❤

    2022/07/06 at 3:42 pm
    • From Tricia on Care agreement between Eye Care Optical Saba and ZJCN  continues until the 31st of December, 2022

      I so agree! Since her arrival on Island…My vision needs have been more then met!
      She and her mother are a Pleasure To work with! As a matter of fact..Susan has picked my last 5 pair of glasses for and with me! Great taste and frames! Love these gals! A real professional act!!

      2022/11/20 at 10:28 am


Saba News