Saba becomes member of Local2030 Islands Network

Saba recently became part of a global body that supports local efforts to achieve the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

The island has become a member of the Local2030 Is­lands Network, which describes itself as “the world’s first island-led network devoted to addressing the climate crisis by advancing the SDGs through locally driven, cul­turally informed solutions.”

Saba becomes member of the Local2030 Islands Network

Saba’s membership was confirmed during the network’s annual gathering in Honolulu, Hawaii, April 23-25. “Saba chose to become a member in order to express commitment to advancing sustainable development and climate resilience within the community,” the public en­tity Saba said in a press release on Friday.

The public entity Saba thanked the Cabinet of the Spe­cial Envoy of the BES Islands for introducing it to the Islands Network.

According to the public entity, a large delegation from the Dutch Caribbean attended the conference, includ­ing representatives of Saba, St. Eustatius, Aruba and Bonaire.

St. Eustatius also announced earlier this month that it had become a network member at the Hawaii confer­ence.

The Daily Herald.

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