The Public Entity Saba wishes to inform the general public that culling of non-native iguanas will take place from December 12th, 2024.

Non-native iguanas are a threat to Saba’s nature and biodiversity, as they outcompete the native Saba Black Iguana and can carry pests and diseases that can be transferred to the native iguana population. Non-native iguanas generally enter the island unintentionally via cargo shipments. Most specimens are therefore found in the Fort Bay area, while some have also been spotted in the English Quarter area. The survey for non-native iguanas is still ongoing, which means that non-native individuals may be found in other parts of the island as well. An iguana expert is currently on the island to assist with the project and to train local people in spotting non-native iguanas.

The culling of non-native iguanas will concentrate in the period between December 12th and 20th from sunrise to sunset, although continued efforts are needed to find the last individuals. To ensure the safety of the public, safety measures will be taken in the designated areas and, where applicable, trails will be closed when hunting takes place.
We kindly request that residents and visitors refrain from entering trails and zones closed for hunting. For any inquiries or concerns, do not hesitate to contact the Public Entity at