The “Mosquito Monday…Fight the Bite” island-wide campaign is designed to promote community involvement in the fight against mosquitos by targeting the elimination of potential breeding grounds. The campaign also raises awareness about the importance of protecting against mosquito bites. The campaign was successfully launched on Monday, January 29th.

Each Monday for the next several months, Public Entity Vector Control and Public Health staff will be available to provide information, and mosquito dunks and take reports of potential breeding hot spots. Residents are encouraged to stop by the booth for an official campaign t-shirt, and to win prizes by taking the “Are you Smarter than a Mosquito” quiz. The booth location will alternate between Windwardside and The Bottom each week. Details will be announced weekly via FaceBook and Public Entity WhatsApp messages.
Dr. Menno Bakker, Head of Public Health Saba explains “Dengue has been detected on Saba, and protecting yourself from mosquito bites can prevent dengue from spreading, which is so important. I have seen many Dengue patients in the past, it can be a terrible disease, we should all work together to prevent people from contracting it.”
Public Entity Vector Control staff currently inspect approximately 125 locations each week. This includes hot spots, abandoned cisterns, and other reported problem areas. Head of Agriculture, Randall Johnson welcomes increased community involvement and explains the importance of weekly checks “mosquito larvae take 7-10 days to become a mosquito, so if standing water is eliminated weekly, breeding grounds are eradicated. No breeding grounds equals no mosquitos”.
Elimination of mosquito breeding grounds is the most effective way to protect residents from diseases spread by mosquitos.
Mosquito-borne diseases are not new to Saba, but they are preventable through protective measures and community mobilization.
If you have questions or want further information, please stop by a Mosquito Monday booth or email or call/message 599.416.5373.