Minister of Primary and Secondary Education, Dennis Wiersma, visited Saba

The Minister of Primary and Secondary Education, Dennis Wiersma, and a delegation visited Saba from May 29th through May 30th. The Minister stated that this was his first time visiting the island, so there was much to see and learn.

Minister Wiersma meets with the Executive Council

During the visit, the Minister met with the Island Governor, members of the Executive Council, visited the primary and secondary schools, and EC2, the Expertise Center Education Care.

The Minister met principal Hortance Promes, her enthusiastic teachers, and students at the Sacred Heart School. They discussed the efforts to make sure that every child on Saba learns how to read, write, and do mathematics well, making it easier for them to find a good job and take care of themselves and their family. Ensuring that all children go to school with a happy feeling was also part of the discussions.

At the Saba Comprehensive School, the Minister learned about the special-technique classes that help students prepare for good technical studies and jobs. This is also very important for vocational education. The Minister was very impressed by the special technique hall.

Minister Wiersma summarizes his visit. Click the image to see the video.

Minister Wiersma promised to keep supporting Saba in its efforts to make sure every child and student gets the best education possible, now and in the future. The Minister pledged extra money to intensify the reading, writing, and math classes and enrich the schooldays even further with music and technique, for example.

GIS Saba


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