KPCN employee arrested in criminal investigation – KPCN focus on integrity

Today, Thursday, July 11th, an employee of the Dutch Caribbean Police Force (KPCN) was arrested by the National Criminal Investigation Department (Rijksrecherche)  as a part of an ongoing criminal investigation. This investigation focuses on an incident that occurred in early March on Bonaire where the employee is suspected of assault and forgery/perjury during an arrest.

The Public Prosecutor’s Office (OM) initiated an investigation by the National Criminal Investigation Department, resulting in a criminal inquiry that led to this morning’s arrest. Due to the ongoing criminal investigation, further details cannot be disclosed at this time regarding the specific use-of-force incident, the role of the involved employee, and the investigation itself.

Chief of Police Alwyn Braaf is committed to focusing entirely on the well-being and safety of both the force’s employees and the community.

Simultaneously, this information has prompted an internal disciplinary investigation by the Bureau Internal Affairs (BIZ) of KPCN. As previously communicated, violations of professional standards by a police officer carry significant consequences. Indications of such violations are thoroughly investigated, and appropriate measures will be taken where necessary.

Integrity is a collective responsibility
Trust in our integrity forms the foundation of our legitimacy as a police organization. Integrity is thus inherent in all our activities, and safeguarding our integrity is a collective effort.

Every police officer can make an error in judgment. Policing is a human endeavor, and humans are fallible. It is the responsibility of KPCN’s leadership, in collaboration with its employees, to foster a safe working environment where dilemmas, errors in judgment, and integrity risks can be openly discussed in daily work. Only in this way can we continue to learn and grow in the realm of integrity.

We proudly share our successes within our organization, but we must also be open and transparent when things go wrong. The community rightly expects us to act with care and adequacy, to explain our actions, and to take responsibility for them.

Regarding unethical behavior, one thing is clear: there is no place for it within KPCN

Focus for the future
The force’s leadership is committed to focusing entirely on the well-being and safety of both the force’s employees and the community. Chief of Police Alwyn Braaf asserts confidently, “Our goal is clear: we are now focusing on the further development of our force. The force’s leadership is tirelessly working towards a robust, honest, and reliable police organization. Preserving and enhancing trust in our force is paramount. We are determined to take on this challenge and emerge stronger from this period.”

KPCN will continue to invest in strengthening the force and building resilience. With an eye toward the future, the force’s leadership aims to support employees so they can perform their duties in a professional and effective manner. This includes training, support in handling complex situations and creating a safe and supportive working environment.


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