Jordan Every showcases Saba’s commitment to sustainable tourism at Green Destinations

In a recent trip to Es­tonia, Jordan Every, a junior policy advisor at the public entity Saba, had the privilege of attending the 2023 Green Destinations Conference held in Tallinn, Estonia. This year’s conference celebrated Tallinn’s achievement of win­ning the prestigious Euro­pean Green Capital Award.

Every, who works closely with the Tourism Depart­ment, had already dem­onstrated her dedication to sustainable tourism by completing the renowned Sustainable Tourism course offered by the Global Sus­tainable Tourism Council (GSTC). Her successful completion of the course not only marked a personal milestone but also show­cased Saba’s commitment to sustainable tourism.

Jordan Every (left) at Green Destinations Award Ceremony.

Saba, known for its sustain­able practices, was awarded the Silver Quality Coast Award in 2022 as part of the Green Destinations Award programme accredited by the GSTC. The island was also recognised in the Sus­tainable Destinations Global Top 100 in 2017 and 2018. Every’s contribution to Sa­ba’s sustainable efforts was further highlighted when her article titled “Reef Rebirth: How Conservationists are Reviving Saba’s Coral Eco­systems” was selected as one of the top 100 “Good Practice Stories” in this year’s Green Destinations annual Top 100 competition. The article sheds light on Saba’s ongoing initiatives to restore its coral reefs, which are crucial for the island’s nature-oriented tour­ism and economic growth. Saba is confronted with the task of restoring its coral reefs, with the island’s Na­tional Marine Park, estab­lished in 1987, serving as a vi­tal protector of these vibrant coral ecosystems. Unfortu­nately, the decline of coral, worsened by the impact of stony coral tissue loss dis­ease (SCTLD) and climate change, has had adverse ef­fects on tourism, fishing and biodiversity in the area.

Taking proactive steps to ad­dress this challenge, Saba Con­servation Foundation (SCF) has assumed a leadership role in the restoration of coral reefs. Every’s account showcases SCFs Coral Nursery project, a commendable endeavour that involves the nurturing and transplantation of corals. This initiative fosters collaboration among diverse stakeholders and encourages youth leader­ship while promoting sustain­able tourism practices.

Ayumi Kurama Izioka, a Saba Bank Officer from SCF, played a vital role in support­ing Every’s journey toward sustainable tourism excel­lence, emphasising the im­portance of collaboration in achieving their goals.

During her time in Estonia, Every not only shared her insights through writing but also participated in a panel discussion focused on marine ecosystems and their critical role in Saba’s tourism indus­try.

Every’s achievements and dedication align with Saba’s vision of responsible and environmentally conscious travel. Her contributions not only enhance Saba’s reputa­tion as a sustainable travel destination but also serve as an inspiring example for the broader travel and tourism industry.

To read Jordan Every’s full story, visit https://www.greendestina­ a-dutch-caribbean.

The Daily Herald.

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