
Fire Department pays special tribute to Reid Barnes Jr.

The Saba Fire Department held its annual commemoration for deceased firefighter Reid Barnes Jr. on his birthday Friday, November 25. This year’s event was extra special with the naming of the new body breathing apparatus workstation after Reid Jr. Fire Chief Commander Julio Every explained that the workstation at the …

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Minister promises to cut poverty on islands in half

Dutch Min­ister for Poverty Policy, Pen­sions and Participation Car­ola Schouten confirmed on Wednesday that she has the intention to halve poverty in general and poverty among children in Bonaire, St. Eu­statius and Saba. “I have the ambition for the Caribbean Netherlands, just as for the European part of the Netherlands, …

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Results perception survey among clients RCN unit SZW

Good service delivery on Bonaire, Saba, and Sint Eustatius is a priority for SZW. The research bureau Linkels & Partners conducted a survey in the first half of this year, commissioned by the RCN unit SZW, to find out how citizens experience the services. The survey offers many starting points …

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Rapid decline in Lionfish for the Saba Bank 

Research conducted by the Saba Bank Management Unit and Wageningen University and Research documented the third incidence of rapid lionfish population decline within the Western Atlantic since their introduction over 30 years ago.  This local population crash could indicate that lionfish are reaching the final stage of their invasion of this …

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SabaElectric informs residents about renewable energy project

Keeping residents informed about its renewable energy plans, also in light of its efforts to keep electricity prices affordable, is important for the Saba Electric Company (SEC). For this reason, the company recently hosted three town hall meetings where residents received information about the phase 3 solar park, wind energy, …

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Inquiry into granting of permits, supervision, and enforcement (VTH) in Caribbean Netherlands

In October 2022, the State Secretary for Infrastructure and Water Management requested the Human Environment and Transport Inspectorate (Inspectie Leefomgeving en Transport, ILT) to conduct an inquiry into and to provide recommendations for a properly operating system for the granting of permits, supervision, and enforcement (vergunningverlening, toezicht en handhaving, VTH) …

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Saba wins Statia’s first ever Wahoo Competition

The first ever Statia Wahoo competi­tion was held on the island. Teams from the islands of Statia, Saba and St. Kitts took part in the competi­tion on Saturday. Island Commissioner Derrick Simmons was present at the Captains briefing prior to the start of the competi­tion. The competition was organised by the …

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Saba News