Almost 300 laws apply to Caribbean Netherlands

For resi­dents of the Caribbean Neth­erlands, it is often not clear which Dutch legislation ap­plies. The Dutch Ministry of Home Affairs and Kingdom Relations BZK, in collabora­tion with other departments, has created an overview of all legislation currently applica­ble on Bonaire, St. Eustatius and Saba.

The document with the total overview, with almost 300 laws in it, has been sent to the Dutch Parliament’s Second Chamber, together with the bi-annual legislation overview with, in principle, the most important legisla­tion for the Caribbean Neth­erlands.

The periodic legislation overview is mainly to let the residents of the Caribbean Netherlands know what laws and regulations are being realised in the short and me­dium term.

However, the overview is not only useful for the is­land residents, but also for lawmakers. The overview was developed after for­mer Member of Parliament Jorien Wu ite asked the Dutch government in an ad­opted motion to draw up a total overview of laws.

According to caretaker State Secretary of Kingdom Relations Alexandra van Huffelen, the overview will help in adhering to the “com­ply or explain” principle, which entails that the Dutch government applies policies and regulations of the Neth­erlands to the Caribbean Netherlands unless there is a reason not to do so.

In connection with this principle, the cabinet will communicate more with the Second Chamber concerning whether legislation applies to the Caribbean Netherlands as well, said Van Huffelen during a digital press confer­ence with Caribbean media on Friday, April 26. “This because it has happened very often that no discussion took place whether laws should also apply to the islands,” she said.

In Wuite’s motion it is also stated that residents in the Caribbean Netherlands must be informed about the laws that are currently applicable. Information about the laws can be found in the info-graphic with a global over­view of legislation subjects with examples, and the total overview with all laws, both of which can be found on The public entities Bonaire, St. Eustatius and Saba will become more, and earlier, involved in the preparation of policy and legislation, it was stated in a press release. The periodic legislation overview will also be includ­ed in this effort.

The Daily Herald.

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