Saba Tourist Bureau organises Tourism Awareness Week events

Saba Tourist Bureau recently hosted a series of activities to promote tourism appreciation and community involvement on the island. The celebration of Tourism Awareness Week “featured a variety of events aimed at fostering a deeper un­derstanding of what makes Saba so unique, in addition to radio interviews to talk a bit more about the tourism master plan,” the Tourist Bureau said in a press release on Friday.

One of the week’s activities was the distribution of an ac­tivity booklet to all the pupils of Sacred Heart School.

Saba Tourist Bureau recently handed out an activity booklet to all the pupils of Sacred Heart School.

“This interactive booklet served as an educational tool, encouraging children to learn about Saba’s many activities and what makes the island so special for visi­tors,” according to the press release.

The week continued with a street fair, an evening of entertainment, food and arts and crafts workshops.

“A special highlight of the event was the premiere of the music video for The Un­spoiled Queen, a collabora­tion between Child Focus and Mega D Productions. Additionally, the Mini Miss Saba participants showcased their creativity by presenting unique dresses inspired by local stories and island fea­tures,” according to the press release.

The week finished with a guided hike on Crispeen Trail, which ended at the newly opened Colibri Café.

Saba Tourist Bureau recently organised a guided hike on Crispeen Trail as part of its activities for Tourism Aware­ness Week.

“The Saba Tourist Bureau is happy to have organized these events, which not only promoted tourism but also strengthened the commu­nity’s connection to Saba’s tourism product. The Bureau thanks everyone who par­ticipated and contributed to making ‘Tourism Awareness Week a resounding success,” according to the press release.

The Daily Herald.


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