Femke Zeedijk (NSC) is the new chair of the Committee on Kingdom Relations

Femke Zeedijk-Raeven

Femke Zeedijk (NSC) has been appointed as the new chair of the Second Chamber Committee on Kingdom Relations. Zeedijk, who has been a member of the NSC parliamentary group since December 6, 2023, succeeds Wieke Paulusma (D66), who held the position following the November 2023 elections. Songul Mutluer (GroenLinks-PvdA) was elected as vice-chair.

Before her election to the House of Representatives, Zeedijk (born 1974) held roles as a strategic advisor at ASML and a partner at Pipple, a data and information science firm. She also briefly served as a replacement councilor for D66 in Geldrop-Mierlo in 2014 and has worked for KLM and Rabobank.

DossierKingdom Relations

Note: Saba Day 2024 is on December 6th
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