Saba Tourist Bureau attends recent Atlanta Travel and Adventure Show

Saba Tourist Bu­reau, in partnership with St. Eustatius Tourism Bu­reau, recently attended the Ravel and Adventure Show in Atlanta, Georgia.

Over the course of two days, the event attracted a wide range of attendees, in­cluding travel enthusiasts, media representatives and travel agents, as they dis­covered more about what Saba has to offer.

Individuals visiting the Saba booth at the Travel and Adventure Show in Atlanta.

Visitors to the Saba booth were treated to a compre­hensive overview of the island’s attractions, activi­ties, accommodations and transportation options.
From thrilling outdoor ad­ventures to tranquil relax­ation spots, attendees were captivated by the diverse experiences available on Saba. Additionally, they received information on is­land-hopping opportunities facilitated by the bureau’s connectivity partners.

A major highlight of the show was the convenient direct flights from Atlan­ta to St. Maarten, which serves as a gateway to hop over and explore Saba. The strategic position­ing of Atlanta as a prime hub for travel creates an ideal platform for spread­ing awareness about Saba’s unique attractions and fostering increased visitor engagement. This marked the first time participating in the Atlanta Travel and Adventure Show, signalling a significant milestone in expanding the island’s pres­ence in key markets.

Adding to the excitement, visitors had the chance to enter a raffle for enticing prizes generously spon­sored by Cottage Club, Makana Ferry Service and Sea Saba.

Representing the island at the event were Malinda Hassell, Director of Tour­ism and Stephanie Peter­son, Tourist Bureau Recep­tionist.

Reflecting on the experi­ence, Hassell stated, “The Atlanta Travel and Ad­venture Show provided an invaluable platform for us to showcase Saba’s unique charm and adventure opportunities to a diverse au­dience. We are thrilled by the enthusiastic response received and look forward to welcoming more trav­ellers to experience Saba firsthand.

“These shows not only allow us to showcase our island, but also provide in­valuable insights on how to effectively represent and promote Saba. The island continues to captivate trav­ellers’ interest. Saba Tour­ist Bureau remains focused on positioning the island as a premier destination for adventure seekers and na­ture enthusiasts in our key source markets.”

The Daily Herald.

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