Works are currently taking place to upgrade the Capt. Leo Chance Pier and the roll-on/roll-off (Ro-Ro) pier of the Fort Bay Harbor. The works to upgrade the piers at Fort Bay Harbor started in January this year and should be completed in May. The works are part of the larger harbor project that includes the construction of a new harbor at Black Rocks. Once the new harbor is completed, the current Fort Bay Harbor will become the main cargo port.
Local contractor Work Monster has started to remove and replace the upper layer of concrete of the Capt. Leo Chance Pier. The deck of the pier is damaged in several areas due to intensive usage and wear and tear over the years and the concrete top layer needs to be replaced. Also, new quay profiles, bollards, and cleats will be installed.
Another part of the upgrading project is the renovation of the roro pier. Over time, a gap has formed between the sea bed and the Ro-Ro pier. The space underneath the Ro-Ro will be filled with boulders and underwater concrete. The damaged edge of the Ro-Ro pier will be repaired as well.

Minimize impact
The reconstruction works at the Fort Bay Harbor are done in such a way as to minimize the impact on regular harbor activities. To assure that the pier remains operational during the works, the renewal of the top layer of the pier deck will be carried out in sections. The piers are vital for the harbor operations, and by extension, for Saba, making it important that operations can continue at all times.
Commissioner responsible for the Harbor, Bruce Zagers, stated that the repairs which have started at Fort Bay is an important step. “Realizing the masterplan for the development of our harbors starts at Fort Bay which will remain our main seaport until the new Black Rocks Harbor is built. Improving the appearances and experiences for stakeholders of Fort Bay will be a priority in the coming period,” said Zagers.
The small jetty is being renovated as well, with a few weeks left to completion. The new design of this smaller pier will reduce the vulnerability of the pier during bad weather. To minimize the impact on the harbor as a result to these renovation works, the project is executed in two phases. Phase 1 is finished and phase 2 will be completed in about three weeks.