Town hall meetings about tourism: June 7th and 9th

Let’s talk about Tourism!
As part of the process of the Tourism Master Plan development, it’s important to hear the community. Your feedback, ideas, and concerns are highly appreciated.
The community and businesses are invited to the following town hall meetings. You can join on June 7th or on June 9th, 2022. This is organized by the Saba Tourist Bureau in collaboration with the University of Central Florida. Information will also be shared about the Tourism Master Plan process, findings, and much more.
We look forward to seeing you there and we can discuss this further.
Saba Tourist Bureau
Saba's Bocce team participates in the Special Olympics in The Netherlands
Journalism Week BES from June 14 to June 20


  1. First Of all……Tourism?!?!? Saba needs more then just-one-dive-shop! That is..if we want tourism to stay at a level we desire here…as a tourist diving/hiking destination. (We do have more then one trail…..Thank God!) Imagine we had only one grocery or one restaurant??????
    The Government need to encourage this get some attention! And encourage this Avenue gets priority & encouragement to fill the other licenses on island! (Along with the island collecting more needed business tax dollars for Saba!)
    While moving here to open and run a business, there were 3 dive companies. Bringing many a tourist to Saba. What the heck happened to one of our main industries here on island??????? Start with this thought, answers appreciated.

    • Yes! What hell happened? Haven’t been able to get back to my “heart home” these last few years. Which shop is left? Had a long time relationship with Saba Deep and I know what happened there but down to one?
      Diving is a huge tourist generator and the waters around Saba are world class.

      • Yep!! It is a major Problem now here on Saba!
        Well It Is Well-Known on Island….One shop is holding two of the licenses….Weird huh????
        And the other….well they have never since purchasing Deep End Restaurant and Dive license…Use their dive license!! (Both are closed!?!?) The have a small boat and do some private diving….Not good enough!
        I suggest if you don’t use it…… You loose it!
        Tourism is in the hands of Our Government! This is an issue needing Much Attention Now that we have opened up again!!!!!!

      • When you gonna make it back? Things are getting back to normal here pandemic wise!
        Sea Saba sold last year…what a huge loss for the island..loosing Lynn & John! After the pandemic…where there was no diving for a long time…we down to only the one shop now.
        We have a new hotel, so now we are more then ready to service more tourism, along with the Amazing Julianna’s & The Cottage Club & Queens Gardens Hotel. Along with the many Beautiful tourist Cottages Also renting on Island!

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