Teachers in Saba complete inclusive education training

Sacred Heart School teachers posing for a photo after receiving their certificates.

More than twenty teachers from Sacred Heart School (SHS), Saba Com­prehensive School (SCS) and Expertise Center Edu­cation Care EC2 received certificates last Monday for completing a training pro­gramme on inclusive edu­cation.

The programme, facilitat­ed by trainers Lilian Feller and Esther Wilson of Instituto Pedagogico Aruba, started in August 2022 and ended last December.

According to facilitators, the training focused on the objective of inclusive education, which refers to “schools, centres of learn­ing and educational systems being open to all children and the process of identi­fying any barriers within and around the school that hinder learning and reduc­ing or removing these bar­riers.”

Sacred Heart School teachers posing for a photo after receiving their certificates.


Saba Comprehensive School teachers posing for a photo after receiving their certificates.

The Daily Herald.

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