Teacher Marijke Geelhoed looks positively forward to the new school year

On the site DossierKoninkrijksrelaties teacher Marijke Geelhoed shares with us her positive look forward to the new school year.:

This time of year feels like a fresh start, much like the beginning of a new year. With the start of the school year, the holidays have come to an end, and the community has reconnected—whether at the local bakery or through the shared experience of cleaning up after the tropical storm. It’s a time of renewal and new beginnings. Cheers to a new year!

In education, the groundwork has been laid, and everyone is ready to embrace the challenges and opportunities of the coming year. Teachers have thoughtfully prepared their classrooms to warmly welcome students on Monday. Meetings and discussions have ensured that everyone is aligned and on the same page. This preparation week is crucial for getting the year off to a good start. The teachers know which children will be in their class, each child is recognized and has a place in the classroom, and ideally, each one will go home after the first Monday with stories full of enthusiasm.

Education is a vital part of life, shaping children and young people with the skills and knowledge they need to thrive in society. However, true learning only begins when a sense of safety is established. The first weeks of school, often referred to as the “golden weeks,” are dedicated to building relationships—among the students, between the students and their teachers, and within the broader school community. These weeks are critical for creating a safe and supportive foundation. While students may already know each other from previous classes or daycare, a long summer break can make it feel like a fresh start. The teacher might be new, and classroom rules need to be re-established and clearly communicated.

Safety is closely linked with providing structure. Consistent rules across the school, clear expectations from teachers, and predictability through routines such as daily schedules all contribute to a secure learning environment. While each teacher brings their unique style, school-wide agreements ensure a cohesive approach.

These initial weeks are also crucial for assessing each student’s current level. What knowledge and skills have stayed with them after the summer break? Understanding where each student stands allows teachers to provide support tailored to their individual needs. Not everyone excels in the same subjects—some may be stronger in math, while others excel in languages. The goal is for each student to achieve their personal best at their own pace. While no two students are the same, everyone is equal in their right to a quality education.

After the Christmas break, we move into the “silver weeks,” and following the May break, the “bronze weeks” begin. These periods of adjustment are shorter, as the strong foundation laid in the first weeks of the school year carries over, but they still serve to reinforce the established norms and expectations.

Here on Saba, we’re committed to making the most of our educational opportunities, and our children stand to benefit greatly. We have a dedicated team and vibrant classrooms. With extra teachers specializing in music, sports, ICT, art and culture, Dutch, and ESL, we are well-equipped to provide a well-rounded education. I have immense confidence in this team, and I hope that many others share this sentiment. Wishing everyone a productive and safe new school year!

Teacher Marijke Geelhoed

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