Subsidy for dementia care in Caribbean parts of Kingdom

Just like in the Netherlands, more and more people on Aruba, Bonaire, Cu­racao, St. Maarten, Saba and St. Eustatius have to deal with the consequences of dementia. The disease has a big impact on the lives of patients and those of their loved ones.

That is why the Netherlands Or­ganisation for Health Research and Development ZonMW is calling for subsidies for dementia care and support in the Carib­bean parts of the Kingdom. In to­tal 450,000 euros has been made available for organisations that support and care for dementia patients on these islands.

According to ZonMW, it is im­portant to align the care and sup­port with the needs of people with dementia and their loved ones, so that the quality of life of these patients improves.

The subsidies are available for projects that aim to improve the support and care for persons with dementia in the Caribbean parts of the Kingdom, for example by implementing new or old meth­ods and sharing best practices. Two types of subsidies can be re­quested. The first is for projects aimed at improving collabora­tion or the quality of care. These projects have a maximum budget of 100,000 euros. The second is for focused training projects for those working in dementia care, with a maximum budget of 50,000 euros.

In total, 450,000 euros have been made available for the first round of funding. Up to three projects can apply for each subsidy type. In May, the call for projects will appear on the ZonMW website. Organisations can apply until June 8, 2024.

The Daily Herald.

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