Commissioner of Sport and Public Health Rolando Wilson presented Saba’s new Sports Policy 2022-2025, which was written in consultation with local stakeholders and recently released, to State Secretary of Public Health, Welfare and Sport Maarten van Ooijen on Monday afternoon, December 19, during the state secretary’s visit to Johan Cruyff Court. Wilson briefly explained how the public entity Saba, with funding from the Dutch government, works on promoting sports and a healthy lifestyle among the Saba community.

Aside from promoting a healthy lifestyle, the policy aims at using sports as a tool to teach life skills and encourage positive social interaction. The Sports Policy contains four sections to focus on for development: sports in school, rotating sports seasons, community involvement and the Saba United Sports Federation. The policy contains practical recommendations to implement the focal areas. “These four priorities will set a strong foundation for sports on Saba to continue grow,” said Wilson.
The policy document identifies the main sports in Saba as volleyball, basketball, soccer and base/softball, and acknowledges the long history of sports as a major component of life in Saba.
The three sports facilities are also discussed: Cruyff Court, Princess Juliana Sports Field and the gym at the schools in St. John’s. Some facilities are also needed for further development such as a swimming pool, a bicycle/motor cross/BMX facility and a beach volleyball court.
The Daily Herald.