Saba News

Sports Policy presented to State Secretary Van Ooijen

Commissioner of Sport and Public Health Ro­lando Wilson presented Sa­ba’s new Sports Policy 2022-­2025, which was written in consultation with local stake­holders and recently released, to State Secretary of Public Health, Welfare and Sport Maarten van Ooijen on Mon­day afternoon, December 19, during the state secretary’s visit to Johan Cruyff Court. Wilson briefly explained how the public entity Saba, with funding from the Dutch gov­ernment, works on promoting sports and a healthy lifestyle among the Saba community.

Commissioner Rolando Wilson (right) presenting the Sports Policy to State Secretary Maarten van Ooijen.

Aside from promoting a healthy lifestyle, the policy aims at using sports as a tool to teach life skills and encour­age positive social interaction. The Sports Policy contains four sections to focus on for development: sports in school, rotating sports seasons, com­munity involvement and the Saba United Sports Fed­eration. The policy contains practical recommendations to implement the focal areas. “These four priorities will set a strong foundation for sports on Saba to continue grow,” said Wilson.

The policy document iden­tifies the main sports in Saba as volleyball, basketball, soc­cer and base/softball, and ac­knowledges the long history of sports as a major compo­nent of life in Saba.

The three sports facilities are also discussed: Cruyff Court, Princess Juliana Sports Field and the gym at the schools in St. John’s. Some facilities are also need­ed for further development such as a swimming pool, a bicycle/motor cross/BMX fa­cility and a beach volleyball court.

The Daily Herald.

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