“A cry for help”—this is how Member of Parliament Faith Bruyning (NSC) described her urgent plea to State Secretary Vincent Karremans (Youth, Prevention, and Sport) to take immediate measures to secure healthcare in the Caribbean Netherlands.

Faith Bruyning (NSC)

“There is a fine line between life and death. It cannot go on like this. We can’t wait for the Secretary of State to visit the islands in February. The time for plans on paper is over,” Bruyning stated during today’s debate of the Parliamentary Committee on Health, Welfare, and Sport. She was supported by several other political groups, whose spokespersons expressed deep concerns about critical issues, including the dire state of the hospital on St. Eustatius, the handling of medical referrals by the ZJCN health insurance office, problems with air ambulance transport, shortcomings in the functioning of the Inspectorate, and potential cutbacks by the cabinet.

The debate underscored two starkly different realities: Members of Parliament, many of whom had recently visited the islands, stressed their deep concerns, while the newly appointed state secretary—guided by his officials—offered little beyond promises to send a letter to the House, form a working group, and consult with the islands. He assured the committee he would consider their concerns when visiting the islands next year.

For Bruyning, this response was insufficient. At her request, a two-minute debate will be held to propose a motion urging Karremans to take immediate action.


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