Sabans oppose historical park becoming playground

Residents of Saba supported Thursday’s dem­onstration in protest of recently announced plans to transition the historical Queen Wilhelmina Park into a playground.

From left: Dave Levenstone hands the petition to Governor Johnson.

Community Activist Dave Levenstone initiated this protest, stating that the peti­tion and demonstration were in objection to placing more playground equipment on the grounds, as well as a call to government for consulta­tion on the upgrading of the park, while keeping its cul­tural heritage.

More than 60 residents showed up at the park to sign the petition. Thereaf­ter a smaller group of the protestors walked from the park to the Government Ad­ministration Building, where they presented the signed petition to Governor Jona­than Johnson, who invited the group inside for further discussions.

A cross-section of the residents who showed up to sign the petition.

The Daily Herald.

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One comment

  1. René Caderius van Veen

    Perfect! I would have liked to sign that petition also.
    Especially on this moment where more attention is becoming paid to cultural heritage this playground plan is unacceptable.

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