SCS seeks Teacher Assistant for Praktijkonderwijs

The Saba Comprehensive School (the only school for secondary and vocational education on the island) seeks a teacher assistant for Praktijkonderwijs per January 2022: Teacher Assistant for Praktijkonderwijs (1.0 FTE) Effective August 2022 As the teacher assistant, you should have good organization skills, good attention to detail, the ability to …

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New study aids in sea urchin restoration efforts

Diadema sea-urchins play a vital role in maintaining a balanced coral reef ecosystem and their restoration is essential to assist recovery of the degraded coral reefs around Saba and St. Eustatius. A collaborative effort between the University of Applied Sciences Van Hall Larenstein, WUR, STENAPA, CNSI and NIOZ studied settlement rates of …

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Saba relaxes entry requirements

Saba has updated its entry requirements per Monday, February 7, and now also allows a rapid antigen test within 48 hours of arrival by air and sea. Until now, all travelers required a negative PCR test result. The test had to be taken within 72 hours prior to arrival on …

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Commissioner Wilson visits farming locations

Commissioner of Agricultural Affairs Rolando Wilson visited a number of farming locations on Friday, February 4. He visited The Farm at Zion’s Hill and several individual farmers throughout the island. At The Farm, Commissioner Wilson observed the hard work being done by Junior Hassell, Orlando Hassell, Aneuris Hassell and team …

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Saba to begin cervical cancer screening

Population screening for cervical cancer on Saba will begin on February 7, 2022. Saba Cares will invite women in the appropriate age group by phone for the screening (a swab test ). Screening for cervical cancer is an important population screening to prevent cervical cancer. Participation is free and voluntary. …

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Tropicbird research on Saba provides important data

With the assistance of numerous residents, Lara Mielke has been researching the Tropicbird on Saba, specifically the nesting places and foraging grounds of these iconic, endangered seabirds since last year. Since a few weeks, tropicbird expert Michiel Boeken has joined the project, but also came to Saba to ring the …

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Subsidies available for Count on Skills

Also this year, it is possible again for institutions in the Caribbean Netherlands to sub­mit subsidy requests for the “Tel mee met Taal” (“Count on Skills”) programme of the Ministries of Education, Culture and Science OCW, Home Affairs and Kingdom Relations BZK, Social Affairs and Employment SZW and Public Health, …

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Platform on Facebook for healthy lifestyle launched

The Public Health and Sports Department of the public entity Saba recently launched the Healthy Lifestyle Saba Facebook platform. Healthy Lifestyle Saba is an official informative and educational Facebook page that the entire Saba community can use as a re­liable and integral source of information on living a healthy lifestyle. …

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Saba News