Medical referrals from Saba to Curacao

Zorg en Jeugd Caribisch Nederland (ZJCN, Care and Youth Caribbean Netherlands) falls under the Ministry of Health, Welfare and Sport (VWS). The organization is the result of a merger between the Zorgverzekeringskantoor (ZVK, Health Insurance Office) and the Jeugdzorg en Gezinsvoogdij (JGCN, Youth Care and Guardianship Council). RCN

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youth care on the BES islands

A lot has changed over the past 2 years when it comes to youth care on the BES islands. Youth care now falls under the program directorate of the ministry of VWS, Care and Youth Caribbean Netherlands (ZJCN). Maideline Martijn, Head of Youth at ZJCN, explains the structure of Youth …

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Saba to host budget course in trying times

Are you finding it difficult to budget in these financially trying times when all prices have gone up? Are you having trouble finding a balance between the frustrations of living from paycheck to paycheck and planning ahead? This reality for many on Saba will be the focus of a budget …

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Commissioner Wilson to agriculture congress in Curaçao

Saba Commissioner of Agriculture Rolando Wilson is in Curaçao this week to attend the agriculture congress Dutch Caribbean Visioning Process together with colleague commissioners and ministers of the other Dutch Caribbean islands, and with the participation of the Netherlands. Commissioner Wilson on Monday morning attended the opening of the three-day …

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Makana ferry surpasses airlines in passenger numbers

In the first eight months of its existence, the Makana ferry has transported more passengers be­tween St. Maarten, St. Eustatius and Saba than the air­lines have. Dutch State Secretary of Kingdom Relations and Digi­tisation Alexandra van Huffelen reported this fact in an update that she sent to the Second Chamber …

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Join the Big Live Nature Quiz and win a Sailing Trip 

The Dutch Caribbean Nature Alliance (DCNA) invites young people, aged 12-14, who live in Aruba, Bonaire, Curaçao, Saba, Sint Maarten and Sint Eustatius to participate in the third edition of the Big Live Nature Quiz. It is free, online, live, interactive and the quiz contains questions about endangered animals and plants in …

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Saba News