• From Rene Caderius van Veen on Saba welcomes DJ Osocity and influencer Miss Coco

    DJ has no added value for tourism on Saba

    2023/06/16 at 8:14 am
  • From Gied Mommers on Information session on Saba about Spatial Development Programme

    Mr. Kats will meet the Island Council (s???): he could better stay in Holland; there our Island Council members are at the moment!!

    2023/06/06 at 11:08 am
  • Kees Jansen

    From Kees Jansen on Next stage of the Implementation of the new Traffic Ordinance is at hand

    That is great news for an island where there is one curvy road of some 8 miles long.

    Booster seats for children are a great idea, in particular as they are not available on the island and need to be imported from Europe or the US. So parents, leave your kids at home and never let them travel in the school busses anymore.

    But there is good news for the racers: The maximum speed on the road and within the villages has been increased by 50%. This increases the risks of accidents and physical harm significantly, but Saba Cares ensures that there is a good helicopter service to the hospital in St. Maarten.

    Nothing to worry about.

    Kees Jansen

    2023/06/05 at 1:49 am
  • From Jim Stewart on Nordic ski scout team explores Saba's potential as a destination for skiing events

    We have been coming to Saba for over 40 years and never would guessed this beautiful island would become a ski destination. Amazing Saba! Absolutely amazing!

    2023/05/24 at 4:51 pm
  • From Melissa Stabile on Nordic Scout Team assesses the island's suitability for hosting roller ski races

    This is so awesome! Nordic training in the Caribbean!

    2023/05/20 at 3:52 pm
  • From Jim and Karen Stewart on Special church service for King Willem-Alexander

    We wish that we could have been on Saba for this. It’s certainly no surprise that Father Zibi and Island Governor Johnson spoke eloquently. They always do!

    2023/04/28 at 10:12 am
  • From René Caderius van Veen on Saba attends Kingdom workshop on EU funding

    The EU published:
    “The Commission’s renewed Strategy for the EU’s outermost regions puts people first and unlocks their potential
    The EU outermost regions – Guadeloupe, French Guiana, Martinique, Mayotte, Réunion and Saint-Martin (France), the Azores and Madeira (Portugal) and the Canary Islands (Spain) – are nine EU regions located in the Atlantic and Indian Oceans, in the Caribbean basin and in South America.”

    Again: Not for the Dutch Caribbean???!!!
    I started lobbying for changes in the relation between the EU and the Dutch Caribbean 12 years ago but the Dutch government refused to listen!

    2023/04/25 at 11:28 am
  • From René Caderius van Veen on Saba attends Kingdom workshop on EU funding

    Opportunities also for Saba


    2023/04/25 at 10:17 am
  • From Cristian Hassell Feliciano on New Saba Island Council installed and Commissioners appointed

    The entrance of the PEP (Party for Progress, Equality and Prosperity into the island Council of Saba certainly is a sign of Change with Mr. Hemmie Van Xanten. The addition of change within the WIPM established Party embody by Ms. Elsa Peterson who ran a very Professional and Outstanding Campaign is also great and dynamic Change for Saba , Jewel most Precious in the Caribbean Sea!!! She studied International Law and Human Rights a great asset and enrichment to the the Saba island Council! I admired the way in which Ms. Elsa Peterson gave out a speech during her campaign of the historical facts of the Participation of the Netherlands in the Trans-Atlantic Slave Trade and the role that the Netherlands needs to play to redeem itself from this great Evil and Injustice towards people of African Descent in the Dutch Kingdom!!! The Dutch Government and Prime Minister Mark Rutte need to also pass Laws to protect Cultural Diversity in the Netherlands and in the Dutch Kingdom. Respect towards Race and Culture, Rich Or Poor, Black or White, Indian or Asian, Latino or Filippino, Immigrant or Not, Foreign or Native we all are One People and we all deserve an Equal Treatment!!! Saba also needs to grow, Tourism needs to be expanded!!! Enough of keeping Saba Small and Stagnant!!! Island Council Member Ms. Elsa Peterson also was Dynamic in stressing on the importance of Leadership!!! “The Leader is not only the one who manages a human group, but the one who knows how to lead it and straighten its crooked cells.” Dr. Jose Francisco Peña Gomez. I encourage all the five island Council Members of Saba to and the Two Commissioners Eviton Heyliger and Bruce Zagers to please stand up for Progress, Equality and Prosperity on Small Saba like the PEP Party!!! I close in the words of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. “Darkness cannot drive out darkness, only light can do that!

    Cristian Hassell Feliciano

    2023/03/30 at 10:38 am

    Nice to hear this cooperation. Maybe they can cooperate also to realize that we can book on line extra luggage when we are traveling with KLM from Amsterdam to Saba. Now I can not book on line extra luggage by KLM.

    2023/03/28 at 10:38 am


Saba News