• From Capt Jack Sparrow on Opinion: Naming "Black Rocks" harbor

    Keeping the name Black Rocks is in line with maintaining the original names of properties on Saba. Everyone one Saba knows that area as the Black Rocks and it does not need to be changed. Keep the silly names for the restaurants that come and go.

    2024/03/01 at 7:13 pm
  • From Jo Bean Chambers on Opinion: Naming "Black Rocks" harbor

    Black Rocks has been a splendid place name on Saba for many many generations. The rocks help protect the nests of the largest populations of one species of tropic birds the world. Black Rocks is a land mark seen from the sea. Saban people, scientists and visitors rather like our real historic place names.

    2024/03/01 at 4:48 pm
  • From Ronald de Vree on Opinion: Naming "Black Rocks" harbor

    “Black Rock” fits in very good with “Hells Gate”.
    I have no problem with that.

    2024/03/01 at 1:14 pm
    • From Christine on Opinion: Naming "Black Rocks" harbor

      Agree! I would like the name to stay !!

      2024/03/07 at 1:52 pm
  • From Rene Caderius van Veen on Opinion: Naming "Black Rocks" harbor

    Saba Harbour

    2024/03/01 at 12:08 pm
  • From Siya kapoor on F3 Fun Free Fitness Center will soon open in The Bottom

    It’s truly inspiring to see Granger’s journey from envisioning his dream at MBO in Bonaire to now taking concrete steps towards owning and operating his own fitness center. His unwavering dedication and perseverance are a testament to his passion for fitness and entrepreneurship. It’s evident that Granger’s meticulous planning and hard work have paved the way for this exciting new chapter in his life. The upcoming opening of the larger facility on the island is a testament to his commitment to realizing his goals and making a positive impact in his community. Congratulations to Granger on this significant achievement, and here’s to the success of his future endeavors!

    2024/02/26 at 11:58 am
  • From Jack Sparrow on Islands to receive 33 million euros for slavery projects

    What a waste of money.

    2024/02/21 at 12:58 am
  • From Ellen Lockhart on Saba’s reforestation project bougainvilleas at the airport to beautify the area

    Planting bougainvilleas along the road from the airport is an excellent plan. They will soon make a multicolored cascading hedge to brighten up the dry hillside. You might not appreciate this, but I will throw in my two cents worth. Keep to the bougainvilleas; don’t mix in other plants. Plant them far away from the wall so that they have room to grow without growing too far into the road. Also we don’t want a mass of roots pushing against the retaining wall.
    A July Tree (aka Flamboyant) had been planted next to the wall on the road to Fort Bay. The large roots of the tree pushed out the rocks of the retaining wall. Even though this species is perfect for a dry area, because of the large roots, it must be planted far from walls or paved areas.

    2024/02/20 at 1:28 pm
  • From Kees Jansen on Saba, St. Eustatius to put Region Deals to good use

    The plan to use the funds for creating a dedi­cated location that can be used to enhance culture — a location for assemblies, lec­tures, award ceremonies, theatre performances and so forth, is precisely what the funds are meant for.

    But targeting St. Johns as the suitable location for such a place may not be such a great idea. There is only limited space and certainly not for visiting cars from Windwardside and The Bottom that need parking space. But it makes sense to concentrate on developing the educational activities there.

    Windwardside has its Eugenius Center for social activities. The Bottom does not have anything comparable. Parking possibilities are much more generous and it still has many options for the community to grow.

    I wonder what the views of the Island Council are on the proposal of the Executive Council.

    2024/02/19 at 10:39 am

    Hans does not mention that he also considers the wishlist of his clients. That could result in a different view.
    His recent action to create Winair income by offering large discounts for one-day tourists to travel to Saba and Statia is very detrimental for the residents. They see their travel options significantly reduced as seats are taken by tourists.

    One-day tourists may be OK for restaurants that offer lunches, and WINAIR, but not for the residents.

    2024/02/19 at 8:24 am
  • From Cris Hassell on Saba to get 5.4 million euros to improve quality of life

    We should thank the Honorable and Distinguished Governor Jonathan Johnson that Saba is being entrusted with 5.4 million to improve quality of life on Saba. Governor Johnson has honored and has served Saba for more than 15 years Extraordinary; with Good Ethics and Intelligence. He has been a warrior for Saba, a patriot who embodied much that is best in Saba (being in accordance with the rules or standards for right conduct or practice, especially the standards of Leadership) just like his Uncle Will Johnson! Lt. Governor Johnson’s uncompromising quality in negotiation for Saba has left an enduring impact on the quality of Life of the Island Saba people for generations to come as the most Dynamic Visionary Governor and Statesman in the entire Dutch Kingdom!
    His Wonderful and Beautiful Aunt Patsy Johnson once told me when she was teaching me to play the Piano in her house; since I Kept insisting on a note “Cristian You are so Stubborn” and in her words I say to Honorable Lt. Governor Jonathan Johnson, to be stubborn in keeping the Rule of Law and in Standing up for Justice and Equality for All people! and in standing up for the wonderful People of Saba and to keep the exemplary Good Work and continue to lead Saba Vigorously!

    “For courage — not complacency — is our need today. Leadership — not salesmanship. And the only valid test of leadership is the ability to lead, and lead vigorously.” ( President John F. Kennedy)

    Cris Hassell

    2024/02/13 at 4:41 pm
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