• From René Caderius van Veen on Opinion: CXC troubles again

    Who decided that the BES islands would collaborate with CXC?

    2022/04/29 at 2:06 pm
    • From Jan Meijer on Opinion: CXC troubles again

      October 2014 statesecretary Sander Dekker (or broader: the NL government) decided to conform to CXC for Statia and Saba

      2022/04/29 at 8:22 pm
      • From Gied Mommers on Opinion: CXC troubles again

        CXC started (on Saba) in 1990; first exams in 1995

        2022/04/30 at 10:10 am
  • From Lisa on Saba exports more than 1M pounds recyclables

    Just wondering…

    what the current legal impediments to implementing a Saba environmental protection import surcharge on some of the classes of imports which are consistently causing Saba garbage export costs, especially plastic, are

    roughly how many Saba residents and organisations would want to get roughly how much chopped cardboard delivered roughly how often to their plots

    whether the mulcher already purchased by the Saba government is appropriate for chopping cardboard boxes to use as mulch or to mix with kitchen scrap compost

    2022/04/29 at 12:41 pm
  • From Radio Rich on Rising inflation: Saba recorded a 2.4-percent q-o-q price increase 

    We are still very fortunate, living here, compared to others

    2022/04/28 at 2:47 pm
  • From Marty Byrde on Young people debating discrimination, racism

    And neither one of the above commenters are the aforementioned young people dealing with racism and gender discrimination. So, yeah, your remarks are irrelevant.

    2022/04/27 at 4:28 pm
  • From Christine Meyer on Saba exports more than 1M pounds recyclables

    I am so so happy to get this update!!! Who knew this was happening. Last time I read an update there was barge coming from Statia to pick up our “stuff”. There must be a more economical way to return containers to Florida that are emptied on SABA!! Do companies want their return. Certainly we can return them for a “best” rate? We need to do much better at getting more items out of the burn pile!! Everyone take note! Let’s get even move items out by composting and recycling!!! Luke!!! How can you use compost for your gardens???

    2022/04/26 at 6:14 pm
  • From Capt. Jack Sparrow on Young people debating discrimination, racism

    When I saw this story, I was thinking of all my ancestors on Saba who grew up dirt poor and WORKED to improve their living conditions and made something of themselves and then their children followed in their footsteps to continue their legacy. There was no “white privilege”. Keep drinking the Kool-Aid nonsense spewed by the left that want everything given to them with no work ethic.

    2022/04/25 at 12:19 pm
  • From John Smith on Young people debating discrimination, racism

    What a total leftist sham. I see the pseudo intellectual leftist poison created in American universities has unfortunately permeated itself into the Caribbean.

    2022/04/25 at 8:24 am
  • From Jim Stewart on DCNA workshop on Importance of Diadema sea urchins - Saba, April 5-6

    For all of you who are so diligently working to restore and preserve Saba’s fragile coral reefs, thank you! Your efforts are not only appreciated but they are essential.

    2022/04/02 at 9:42 am
  • From Hans Grunfeld on April 1st: * 23 new active cases * 11 persons recovered and out of isolation

    Stop spreading fear! If the number of hospitalizations remains low/zero this means Saba’s aggressive vaccination program works. Contracting covid with such a high rate of inoculation means you get a cold. This is not a deterioration, this is science working as expected saving lives and preserving Saba’s economy.

    2022/03/31 at 11:58 pm
    • From Marty Byrde on April 1st: * 23 new active cases * 11 persons recovered and out of isolation

      Um, these are reported numbers, not fear spreading. Good try.

      2022/04/27 at 4:30 pm
  • From Kees Jansen on Meeting on youth wellbeing

    I am amazed to see so many smiling faces around the table when bullying at the schools has developed to such an extent, that several parents have decided to leave Saba for the safety and mental health of their children.

    2 years ago, parents had already complained about the situation. Recently, the Inspectorate of Education has found an unacceptable situation at the primary school.

    But this article shows happy and satisfied professionals.
    “There is something rotten in the state of Saba”, Shakespeare would conclude.

    Kees Jansen

    2022/03/27 at 3:15 pm


Saba News