From Cris Hassell
The Executive Council informs Island Council and the community actively about decisions
This is the Shameful and Unacceptable Response of Dictators on Saba to the Honorable Dutch State Representative Jan Helmond. The Wonderful People of Saba and the Wonderful Dutch People living on Saba as Residents are tired of this Johnson and Zagers Dictatorship: Governor Jonathan Johnson and Commissioner Bruce Zagers. Ninety-nine percent of the failures come from people who have the habit of making excuses. …
The Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Second Chamber, the Face of Democracy of the Mother Country the Netherlands need to step into this and Remove these Dictators who have been in office for more than 15 years. The Governor’s House does not belong to Jonathan Johnson or the Johnson Family (this is called Nepotism) ……The Government Building does not belong to Bruce Zagers: (This is called Dictatorship or Authoritarianism) I am certain that this is not the Democratic ideals of Netherlands, just currently the Government fill because of Democracy!
Lack of Transparency is the shameful behavior of Dictators. The Executive Council of Saba is out of Line and out of Touch with the wonderful People of Saba. This Governor Jonathan Johnson and Commissioner Bruce Zagers have been in office more than 15 years and have reserved a spot for No Democracy on the island of Saba this is Wrong! This cannot go on! Enough is Enough! Term Limits have to be made to avoid Dictatorship!
Distinguished island Council Members Saskia Levenstone and Hemmie Van Xanten are valuable in standing up for the People living on Saba! They are working for the people!
The PEP party need to reach out to the Second Chamber in the Mother Country the Netherlands who are the Face of Democracy such as Attje Kuiken, Jesse Klever, Peter Omtzig, Marjolein Moorman; to prevent these two individuals Governor Jonathan Johnson and Commissioner Bruce Zagers to continue to rob children of their future and the progress of the People living on Saba by their inaction and failed policies and lack of transparency.
In United States The governor holds the office for four years and can choose to run for reelection.
the Governor is not eligible to serve more than eight years in any twelve-year period. This Democratic standard for Governor
in the United States can be also upheld in the Netherlands Soley to prevent Governors from becoming Dictators in the respective Dutch Islands.
Also in the Dutch Kingdom having the Ministry of Foreign Affairs set up the Standards of who is Eligible or Qualifies to Democratically run for the
office of Governor. As Per the Executive Council Commissioners should be given only and 8 year Term for the same for the same forementioned reasons.
I think also that Democracy serves best the very idea of it as that more citizens get to serve and participating by having a voice in the leadership of the country.
This is the absolute beauty of Democracy participation, Inclusion and opportunity for all.
Democracy is never a final achievement. It is a call to an untiring effort. Freedom has many difficulties and democracy is not perfect, but we have never had to put up a wall to keep our people in. There is an old saying that the course of civilization is a race between catastrophe and education.
President John F. Kennedy
Cristian Hassell Feliciano
2023/08/04 at 9:50 am
From Radio Rich
Saba’s PEP Fraction reacts to the Executive Council’s counterstatements about the lack of transparency.
“It sometimes took 7 months before I received a reply to written questions, which should have been answered within 14 days, based on the law.”
Lazy and useless. And these guys actually get paid money to sit around in their cheap suits!
2023/08/02 at 8:53 pm
From Cris Hassell
Saba’s PEP Fraction reacts to the Executive Council’s counterstatements about the lack of transparency.
He that is good for making excuses is seldom good for anything else. … That is why I hope that Independent MP Peter Omtzigt who is trying to accomplish Government Reform in the Netherlands does the same on Saba and in the Dutch Kingdom. The main concern on Saba is the Zagers and Johnson Government Dictatorship. Peter Omtzigt is favored to win Majority Seats in the Netherlands in Parliament.
Peter Omtzigt stated that: The Netherlands needs a new culture of governance because we are “lurching from crisis to crisis,” Omtzigt said in a video on social media. That includes a change in the way MPs are elected with the introduction of some form of regional representation and a constitutional court. He is heavily supported by Caroline Vander Plas. I hope that they can address the concern of lack of democoracy in the Ministry of the Interior and Kingdom Relations, such as appointing Jonathan Johnson to a third consecutive term and Bruce Zagers to also a third Executive term on Saba. This is unconstituional and undemocractic.
I hope that his party Nieuw Sociaal Contract, may serve Rich and poor, black or white, native or immigrant and that Human rights and equality can be upheld.
Power tends to corrupt, and absolute power corrupts absolutely. Great men are almost always bad men, even when they exercise influence and not authority, still more when you superadd the tendency or the certainty of corruption by authority.
Lord Acton
If democracy is to have breadth of meaning, it is necessary to adjust this inequity. It is not only moral, but it is also intelligent. We are wasting and degrading human life by clinging to archaic thinking.
Martin Luther King, Jr.
Cristian Hassell Feliciano
2023/08/21 at 5:40 pm
From Chris Meijvogel
Saba’s PEP Fraction reacts to the Executive Council’s counterstatements about the lack of transparency.
Mr. Hassell,
allow me to react on your submitted letter.
Neither the governor nor the commissioner are appointed by, as you wrote, the Ministry of the Interior and Kingdom Relations.
You also wrote that both appointments are unconstitutional.
My question is: can you indicate on what basis you think these appointments are unconstitutional. Obviously with reference to relevant law(s) and articles.
Thank you in advance.
Chris Meijvogel.
2023/08/24 at 11:50 am
From Cris Hassell
Saba’s PEP Fraction reacts to the Executive Council’s counterstatements about the lack of transparency.
Mr. Chris Meijvogel I do appreciate your concern: As in the Case with Jonathan Johnson, hence,The island Governor of Saba is the representative on Saba, an island of the Netherlands, of the Dutch head of state (King Willem-Alexander), under responsibility of the minister of the interior and kingdom relations. The governor is appointed by the monarch for a period of six years. (Wikipedia)
In the Case of Bruce Zagers he ran for office under the WIPM party and got the most votes due to that he was running with the winning party but he has been serving for more than 15 years in the same position in the Executive Council and Jonathan Johnson too. If the WIPM party supports Dictatorship that is for their own self-fish and greedy benefits but it is not right!
*** To answer your question: This is Unconstitutional because it is NOT DEMOCRATIC. Giving one man so many years to head a Government and a people is Not Democratic! This is called Authoritarianism and Dictatorship and the Netherlands is in the European Union, the EU stands for Democracy, as well as NATO!
The The European Union describes its values as being ‘Human Dignity, Freedom, Democracy, Equality, Rule of Law, and Human Rights’. Democracy is a cornerstone of the project that is the European Union and has been since its inception.
Limit the commissioners Terms to only 8 years and term for Lieutenant Governor 12 years. This is to ensure that there are more opportunities for other Sabans and Dutch citizens residing on the island to be able to also have an opportunity to serve in the Leadership of the island Dutch territory and a say in its future.
Power tends to corrupt, and absolute power corrupts absolutely. Great men are almost always bad men, even when they exercise influence and not authority, still more when you superadd the tendency or the certainty of corruption by authority.
Lord Acton
They have also been called out by the Honorable Dutch State Representative Jan Helmond for Lack of Transparency in the Executive Council and No transparency this is the shameful behavior of Dictators, this is Unconstitutional. The Executive Council of Saba is out of Line and out of Touch with the wonderful People of Saba. This Governor Jonathan Johnson and Commissioner Bruce Zagers have been in office more than 15 years and have reserved a spot for No Democracy on the island of Saba this is Wrong! This can not go on! Enough is Enough! Term Limits have to be made to avoid Dictatorship!
The wonderful people in the Netherlands are against this!
This objective of imposing Term Limits is good also to avoid Dictatorship (individuals serving more than 15 years as Lt. Governor and another individual as Commissioner on Saba, it is Wrong! This is not Democracy!
In United States The governor holds the office for four years and can choose to run for reelection.
The Governor is not eligible to serve more than eight years in any twelve-year period. This Democratic standard for Governor
in the United States can be also upheld in the kingdom of the Netherlands Soley to prevent Governors from becoming Dictators in the respective Dutch Islands.
I think also that Democracy serves best the very idea of it as that more citizens get to serve and participating by having a voice in the leadership of the country.
This is the absolute beauty of Democracy participation, Inclusion and opportunity for all by imposing Term Limits on the Lt. Governors office and Commissioner’s Office.
Also in the Dutch Kingdom having the Ministry of Foreign Affairs set up the Standards of who is Eligible or Qualifies to Democratically run for the office of Governor.
Democracy is never a final achievement. It is a call to an untiring effort. Freedom has many difficulties and democracy is not perfect, but we have never had to put up a wall to keep our people in. There is an old saying that the course of civilization is a race between catastrophe and education.
President John F. Kennedy
If democracy is to have breadth of meaning, it is necessary to adjust this inequity. It is not only moral, but it is also intelligent. We are wasting and degrading human life by clinging to archaic thinking.
Martin Luther King, Jr.
Cristian Hassell
2023/08/25 at 4:19 pm
From Chris Meijvogel
Saba’s PEP Fraction reacts to the Executive Council’s counterstatements about the lack of transparency.
Quote: “Unconstitutional because it is not democratic.” unquote.
That’s a nice find but complete nonsense.
Writing a lot of text, venting your ideas, does not mean that what you write is right or true.
Unfortunately you don’t answer my question.
As a final remark: Dutch constitutional law is not based on Wikipedia. Luckily not.
Chris Meijvogel.
2023/08/26 at 6:19 pm
From Cris Hassell
Saba’s PEP Fraction reacts to the Executive Council’s counterstatements about the lack of transparency.
Lack of Transparency is the the shameful behavior of Dictators. The Executive Council of Saba is out of Line and out of Touch with the wonderful People of Saba. This Governor Jonathan Johnson and Commissioner Bruce Zagers have been in office more than 15 years and have reserved a spot for No Democracy on the island of Saba this is Wrong! This can not go on! Enough is Enough! Term Limits have to be made to avoid Dictatorship!
Distinguished island Council Members Saskia Levenstone and Hemmie Van Xanten are valuable in standing up for the People living on Saba! They are working for the people!
The PEP party need to reach out to the Second Chamber in the Mother Country the Netherlands who are the Face of Democracy such as Attje Kuiken, Jesse Klever, Peter Omtzig, Marjolein Moorman; to prevent these two individuals Governor Jonathan Johnson and Commissioner Bruce Zagers to continue to rob children of their future and the progress of the People living on Saba by their inaction and failed policies and lack of transparency.
“The very word “secrecy” is repugnant in a free and open society; and we are as a people inherently and historically opposed to secret societies, to secret oaths and to secret proceedings. We decided long ago that the dangers of excessive and unwarranted concealment of pertinent facts far outweighed the dangers which are cited to justify it.”
President John F. Kennedy
Cristian Hassell Feliciano
2023/07/31 at 5:48 pm
From Emiel
Goat Removal in designated hunting zones
Hi, I’m a bit confused by this announcement ???
But, then I am not a native English speaking guy, nor long enough on this beautifull Saba Island.
Thus, already two times we could NOT walk the trail we wanted. Because of the shooting going on. It’s going on, here it says throughout the week and weekends. BUT trails will NOT be closed to the public. Any day of the week!?
Still we encountered clear signs saying the trail is totally closed during the week for public, but open in the weekend as there is then NO shooting going on.
Today we where at the beginning of the Sandy Cruz trail at Upper Hell’s Gate. And there is a sign, saying shooting is going on and the trail is closed for public. But, I think I have this feeling Upper Hell’s Gate is nót in the Designated Areas.
Anyone can translate this Public Notice 62 for me in plain English?
Greetings, Emiel
PS: is this Carnival Monday included in the weekend?
2023/07/28 at 8:33 pm
From Cris Hassell
The Hague would like to get YOUR opinion on amendments to three key laws
These are all good suggestions but what Really Matters to me is Term Limits on Administrative and Executive Offices and Elections For Lt. Governor to Uphold Democracy. In the united states elections are held to elect Governors on every State and I think the same should be done in the Dutch islands!
Limit the commissioners Terms to only 8 years and term for Lieutenant Governor 12 years. This is to ensure that there are more opportunities for other Sabans and Dutch citizens residing on the island to be able to also have an opportunity to serve in the Leadership of the island Dutch territory and a say in its future.
This objective is good also to avoid Dictatorship (individuals serving more than 15 years as Lt. Governor and another individual as Commissioner on Saba, it is Wrong! This is not Democracy! I will be also sending a letter to the Second Chamber and the New Dutch Government once it is formed concerning this so that they may do a study on Saba to see if what I am suggesting makes sense.
Power tends to corrupt, and absolute power corrupts absolutely. Great men are almost always bad men, even when they exercise influence and not authority, still more when you superadd the tendency or the certainty of corruption by authority.
Lord Acton
Cristian Hassell Feliciano
2023/07/28 at 6:34 pm
From Cris Hassell
Commitment to finance multiple slavery past initiatives on islands
The apology For the participation of the Netherlands in the enslaving Trade of African People in the Caribbean by Dutch Prime Minister Mark Rutte on December 19, 2022 last year; makes him a “Dutch World Class Statesmen!”
Yes, If we do not know our Past then We will not know where we are going! Remembering the past of “Enslaved People” or human beings of particularly African Descent who were of black skin color is something very Noble and Altruistic to do for all Lovers of Equality and Justice!
Nonetheless, I always say that the New color of slavery nowadays is not black is Green or Money since the Dollar is Green. We are all unfortunately enslaved to Money where ever we may be in the world. The World has been formed and organized in a way that: if you do not have money you are not going anywhere, it is that simple.
The Power of Money and the Evil of money are as old as the Sacred Scriptures: The Bible says: The Love of Money is the Root of All Evil: (1 Timothy 6:10 King James Version)
For Money Thieves steal, for money women prostitute themselves and sell their body and create pornography, they say that Sex sells, For money Rapperts and Music Artist and singers, Exotic Naked Dancers all kinds of Perverse and Abominable things, For Money people risk their lives to sale and traffic Drugs, For money all kinds of Evils and Injustices are shown on Your Television Screen, For money Politicians Lie and Robb the Poor the most needy in our Society and trample on children’s future.
More important than Commemorating Slavery these days is Fighting Racism and Discrimination to teach our children the injustice of such practices. We much teach them that Silent Racism and Inaction go hand and hand.
The commitments for Slavery to the islands will be funded from the 100 million euros that the Dutch government has allocated for measures related to “knowledge and awareness”, acknowledgment and commemoration” and “impact and psychological processing”.
This Commitment should also include Fighting Racism and helping Poor Black people who have been left behind and defeated by Racism and are living in extreme Poverty in The Netherlands and on the islands to help them pull themselves out of Poverty, I think this is more important.
“The rich nations must use their vast resources of wealth to develop the underdeveloped, school the unschooled, and feed the unfed. Ultimately a great nation is a compassionate nation. No individual or nation can be great if it does not have a concern for ‘the least of these.’”
Martin Luther King Jr.
Cristian Hassell Feliciano
2023/07/27 at 4:41 pm
From Lloyd Hassell
Commitment to finance multiple slavery past initiatives on islands
Please keep me informed of the progress of the DNA research initiative. I am of Saban descent.
2023/07/26 at 1:04 am
From Cris Hassell
BES Reporter: Kingdom representative finally takes action and reprimands BC Bonaire and Saba
My praises go out to Deputy State Representative Jan Helmond for addressing the Need for transparency on the BES islands Saba and Statia. He is a valuable distinguished individual who truly stands up for Democracy, the Constitution of the Dutch Kindom and the People.
I am in favor that the Dutch Government fully takes over and Govern all the BES islands and Remove Commissioners and Governors……..The People will be much better off……
“The very word “secrecy” is repugnant in a free and open society; and we are as a people inherently and historically opposed to secret societies, to secret oaths and to secret proceedings. We decided long ago that the dangers of excessive and unwarranted concealment of pertinent facts far outweighed the dangers which are cited to justify it.”
John F. Kennedy
Cristiah Hassell Feliciano
2023/07/24 at 5:53 pm
From Raymond Peterson
BES Reporter: Kingdom representative finally takes action and reprimands BC Bonaire and Saba
I Raymond C. Peterson herby endorse and compliment your comment fully, there are certain laws that are being bent, even broken to the benefit of certain individuals, and
Detriment of others. Because of certain people who seem to rule and judge based on their personal interests and emotions! It is high time that these matters be investigated, there are people who are abusing the trust and oath that they swore to uphold and carry out laws in relation to Trias Patria, being such a small island these individuals take advantage and abuse the power given onto them. I sincerely hope they make checks and balances across the board,, that all inhabitants are brought up to date, treated and respected equally! I’m not stepping on anyone’s toes, but these are comments that has been circulating for a long time already, I’m happy to see that some action will be forthcoming! Thank you.
2023/08/04 at 8:54 pm
From Cris Hassell
BES Reporter: Kingdom representative finally takes action and reprimands BC Bonaire and Saba
Distinguished Raymond Peterson could not have been more transparent and Democratic on his concern but unfortunately the Ministry of the Interior and Kingdom Relations did not serve Democracy in reappointing Jonathan Johnson as Governor for a third consecutive Term and neither did the Board of the WIPM Party and the island Council of Saba serve Democracy by abilitating Bruce Zagers for also a third Consecutive Term as commissioner. Sadly these two Men Bruce and Jonathan were given a free pass to become Autocrats on Saba, hinding behind the titles of Governor and Commissioner. Autocracy is a system of government in which absolute power is held by the ruler, known as an autocrat. It includes most forms of monarchy and dictatorship, on the island of Saba there are two Autocrats Jonathan Johnson and Bruce Zagers members of the Exective Council of Saba, due to their long Tenure in Government 15 years, 3 consecutive terms for the Govenor and Commissioner I have never heard of this in Saba’s history. Those two forementioned Autocrats if they have a common sense of Decency and good will towards the wonderful people living on Saba: since they are being called out as Dictators by the Opposition would choose to resign to show that they do respect Democracy!
Democratic Values are being trampled over on the island of Saba BES and the Face of Democracy of the Netherlands the Second Chamber need to step in to correct this wrong! To fight against Autocracy on Saba and in the Dutch Kingdom islands and prevent Dictators to contunue to hold Government offices. The Ministrty of the Interior and Kindgom Relations need to do a better job and begin to uphold Democrat Values and Principles in electing a Governor through open Elections and not allow Governors and Commissioners s to become Autocrats and Dictators, I think this is the very serving purpose of the Ministry of the Interior and Kingdom Relations of the Mother Country the Netherlands. The Second Chamber needs to condemn this Autrocity and Remove Bruce Zagers and Jonathan Johnson from office immediately due to the urgencey of now and Elections need to be held on all the Dutch Kingom islands for Governor. The Ministry of the Interior and Kingdom Relations need to uphold and enforce Democratic Ideals on All the respective Dutch islands.
The ignorance of one voter in a democracy impairs the security of all. John F. Kennedy
JFK quote on democracy
Democracy is never a final achievement. It is a call to an untiring effort. Freedom has many difficulties and democracy is not perfect, but we have never had to put up a wall to keep our people in. There is an old saying that the course of civilization is a race between catastrophe and education.
“You can’t maintain power through coercion. At some level in any society, there has to be consent,” he said, adding, “That’s particularly true in this new era where people can communicate not just through some centralized government or state run TV, but they can get on a smartphone or a Twitter account and mobilize hundreds of thousands of people.”
Barack Obama
This is My island Saba, I was born here and I will do anything I can to change it!
Honorable Junior Minister of the Netherlands Antilles Max Nicholson
Cristian Hassell Feliciano
2023/08/08 at 2:08 pm
From Cris Hassell
Approved 2022 Year Report reconfirms Saba’s strong financial management
In light of the saying that “Power Corrupts”: Would the Saba island Council Unanimously agree to introduce a Motion to Lt. Governor Johnson to Limit the commissioners Terms to only 8 years and the term for Lieutenant Governor 16 years. This is to ensure that there are more opportunities for other Sabans and Dutch citizens residing on the island to be able to also have an opportunity to serve in the Leadership of the island Dutch territory and a say in its future. This objective is good also to avoid Dictatorship by some individuals with large families on a small island. I will be also sending a letter to the Second Chamber and the New Dutch Government once it is formed concerning this so that they may do a study on Saba to see if what I am suggesting makes sense.
Power tends to corrupt, and absolute power corrupts absolutely. Great men are almost always bad men, even when they exercise influence and not authority, still more when you superadd the tendency or the certainty of corruption by authority.
Lord Acton
Cristian Hassell Feliciano
2023/07/20 at 6:48 pm
From Cris Hassell
Island Council adopts social minimum, salary minimum motions
My praises go out to distinguished Saba Island Council Members Elsa Peterson and Vito Charles for introducing the Motion to Lt. Governor Johnson: “The first action is to engage all partners in the Netherlands to ensure that the establishment of a social minimum for Saba’s vulnerable residents remains a priority.”
Also the distinguished Island Council Members expressed that It was stated in the motion that establishing a social minimum is much needed because the “persistent inequality and poverty pose significant challenges to the well-being and social fabric of the community” and a further delay “exacerbate the distress of the already significant number of people living in poverty and those living on the edge of it.”
These two distinguished island Council Members are rightfully standing up for the people of Saba who are the most important Asset to the island Government! Ms. Peterson and Vito Charles are to be cherished for addressing the most important issue that Sabans can face which is the bread and butter issue. I remember back in 2010, during the referendum and there after I warned the so called: commissioners, of the rise in cost of living on the island due to the changes that will come. Now, I am seeing these concerns echoing up until now 2023!
“As long as there is poverty in this world, no man can be totally rich even if he has a billion dollars. “God never intended for one group of people to live in superfluous inordinate wealth, while others live in abject deadening poverty.”
Dr. Martin Luther King jr.
Cristian Hassell Feliciano
From Cris Hassell on The Executive Council informs Island Council and the community actively about decisions
2023/08/04 at 9:50 amFrom Radio Rich on Saba’s PEP Fraction reacts to the Executive Council’s counterstatements about the lack of transparency.
2023/08/02 at 8:53 pmFrom Cris Hassell on Saba’s PEP Fraction reacts to the Executive Council’s counterstatements about the lack of transparency.
2023/08/21 at 5:40 pmFrom Chris Meijvogel on Saba’s PEP Fraction reacts to the Executive Council’s counterstatements about the lack of transparency.
2023/08/24 at 11:50 amFrom Cris Hassell on Saba’s PEP Fraction reacts to the Executive Council’s counterstatements about the lack of transparency.
2023/08/25 at 4:19 pmFrom Chris Meijvogel on Saba’s PEP Fraction reacts to the Executive Council’s counterstatements about the lack of transparency.
2023/08/26 at 6:19 pmFrom Cris Hassell on Saba’s PEP Fraction reacts to the Executive Council’s counterstatements about the lack of transparency.
2023/07/31 at 5:48 pmFrom Emiel on Goat Removal in designated hunting zones
2023/07/28 at 8:33 pmFrom Cris Hassell on The Hague would like to get YOUR opinion on amendments to three key laws
2023/07/28 at 6:34 pmFrom Cris Hassell on Commitment to finance multiple slavery past initiatives on islands
2023/07/27 at 4:41 pmFrom Lloyd Hassell on Commitment to finance multiple slavery past initiatives on islands
2023/07/26 at 1:04 amFrom Cris Hassell on BES Reporter: Kingdom representative finally takes action and reprimands BC Bonaire and Saba
2023/07/24 at 5:53 pmFrom Raymond Peterson on BES Reporter: Kingdom representative finally takes action and reprimands BC Bonaire and Saba
2023/08/04 at 8:54 pmFrom Cris Hassell on BES Reporter: Kingdom representative finally takes action and reprimands BC Bonaire and Saba
2023/08/08 at 2:08 pmFrom Cris Hassell on Approved 2022 Year Report reconfirms Saba’s strong financial management
2023/07/20 at 6:48 pmFrom Cris Hassell on Island Council adopts social minimum, salary minimum motions
2023/07/19 at 6:31 pm